code-423n4 / 2022-01-timeswap-findings

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`TimeswapPair.sol#borrow()` Improper implementation allows attacker to increase `pool.state.z` to a large value #162

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago



Vulnerability details

In the current implementation, borrow() takes a user input value of zIncrease, while the actual collateral asset transferred in is calculated at L319, the state of pool.state.z still increased by the value of the user's input at L332.

Even though a large number of zIncrease means that the user needs to add more collateral, the attacker can use a dust amount xDecrease (1 wei for example) so that the total collateral needed is rather small.

Plus, the attacker can always pay() the dust amount of loan to get back the rather large amount of collateral added.

function borrow(
    uint256 maturity,
    address assetTo,
    address dueTo,
    uint112 xDecrease,
    uint112 yIncrease,
    uint112 zIncrease,
    bytes calldata data
) external override lock returns (uint256 id, Due memory dueOut) {
    require(block.timestamp < maturity, 'E202');
    require(assetTo != address(0) && dueTo != address(0), 'E201');
    require(assetTo != address(this) && dueTo != address(this), 'E204');
    require(xDecrease > 0, 'E205');

    Pool storage pool = pools[maturity];
    require(pool.state.totalLiquidity > 0, 'E206');

    BorrowMath.check(pool.state, xDecrease, yIncrease, zIncrease, fee);

    dueOut.debt = BorrowMath.getDebt(maturity, xDecrease, yIncrease);
    dueOut.collateral = BorrowMath.getCollateral(maturity, pool.state, xDecrease, zIncrease);
    dueOut.startBlock = BlockNumber.get();

    Callback.borrow(collateral, dueOut.collateral, data);

    id = pool.dues[dueTo].insert(dueOut);

    pool.state.reserves.asset -= xDecrease;
    pool.state.reserves.collateral += dueOut.collateral;
    pool.state.totalDebtCreated += dueOut.debt;

    pool.state.x -= xDecrease;
    pool.state.y += yIncrease;
    pool.state.z += zIncrease;

    asset.safeTransfer(assetTo, xDecrease);

    emit Sync(maturity, pool.state.x, pool.state.y, pool.state.z);
    emit Borrow(maturity, msg.sender, assetTo, dueTo, xDecrease, id, dueOut);

function getCollateral(
    uint256 maturity,
    IPair.State memory state,
    uint112 xDecrease,
    uint112 zIncrease
) internal view returns (uint112 collateralIn) {
    uint256 _collateralIn = maturity;
    _collateralIn -= block.timestamp;
    _collateralIn *= zIncrease;
    _collateralIn = _collateralIn.shiftRightUp(25);
    uint256 minimum = state.z;
    minimum *= xDecrease;
    uint256 denominator = state.x;
    denominator -= xDecrease;
    minimum = minimum.divUp(denominator);
    _collateralIn += minimum;
    collateralIn = _collateralIn.toUint112();


Near the maturity time, the attacker can do the following:

  1. borrow() a dust amount of assets (xDecrease = 1 wei) and increase pool.state.z to an extremely large value (20x of previous state.z in our tests);
  2. pay() the loan and get back the collateral;
  3. lend() a regular amount of state.x, get a large amount of insurance token;
  4. burn() the insurance token and get a large portion of the collateral assets from the defaulted loans.


Consider making pair.borrow() to be onlyConvenience, so that zIncrease will be a computed value (based on xDecrease and current state) rather than a user input value.