For the arithmetic operations that will never over/underflow, using the unchecked directive (Solidity v0.8 has default overflow/underflow checks) can save some gas from the unnecessary internal over/underflow checks.
function relock(uint256 tokenId_, uint256 lockAmount_, uint256 duration_, address destination_) external noReenter returns (uint256 amountUnlocked_, uint256 newTokenId_) {
// Handle the unlock and get the amount of XDEFI eligible to withdraw.
amountUnlocked_ = _unlock(msg.sender, tokenId_);
// Throw convenient error if trying to re-lock more than was unlocked. `amountUnlocked_ - lockAmount_` would have reverted below anyway.
require(lockAmount_ <= amountUnlocked_, "INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT_UNLOCKED");
// Handle the lock position creation and get the tokenId of the locked position.
newTokenId_ = _lock(lockAmount_, duration_, destination_);
uint256 withdrawAmount = amountUnlocked_ - lockAmount_;
amountUnlocked_ - lockAmount_ can be unchecked as L115 ensured lockAmount_ <= amountUnlocked_ so that it will never underflow.
Vulnerability details
For the arithmetic operations that will never over/underflow, using the unchecked directive (Solidity v0.8 has default overflow/underflow checks) can save some gas from the unnecessary internal over/underflow checks.
For example:
amountUnlocked_ - lockAmount_
can be unchecked as L115 ensuredlockAmount_ <= amountUnlocked_
so that it will never underflow.Recommendation
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