code-423n4 / 2022-05-bunker-findings

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QA Report #72

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Low severity findings

Through my audit of this project I have found 2 low priority findings that I think are worth calling out:

  1. The borrow guardian is incorrectly set to "not-paused", in direct conflict to the comment above (see here). The code should be corrected to:
borrowGuardianPaused[address(cNft)] = true;
  1. _changeAdmin in Comptroller here should have a require statement to guard against the 0 address (require(newAdmin != address(0)) and ideally should have a propose-accept pattern to protect against assigning admin rights to the wrong address by accident
bunkerfinance-dev commented 2 years ago

This report was useful to us.

gzeoneth commented 2 years ago

Nice catch re:borrowGuardianPaused