New xERC4626 vault share price can be manipulated right after creation.
Which give early depositor greater share portion of the vault during the first cycle.
While deposit token also affected by rounding precision (due to the exploit showed in the POC) that always return less amount of share for user.
The share price always return 1:1 with asset token. If everything work normally, share price will slowly increase with time to 1:2 or 1:10 as more rewards coming in. But right after xERC4626 contract creation, during first cycle, any user can deposit 1 share set totalSupply = 1. And transfer token to the vault to inflate totalAssets() before rewards kick in. This can inflate base share price as high as 1:1e18 early on, which force all subsequence deposit to use this share price as base.
This exploit is unique and only works if starting supply equal 0 or very small number and rewards cycle is very short. Or everyone withdraws, total share supply become 0.
This can be easily fix by making sure someone always deposited first so totalSupply become high enough, that this exploit become irrelevant. Unless in unlikely case someone made arbitrage bot watching the sfrxETH vault contract.
Just force deposit early token during vault construction as last resort.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
New xERC4626 vault share price can be manipulated right after creation. Which give early depositor greater share portion of the vault during the first cycle. While deposit token also affected by rounding precision (due to the exploit showed in the POC) that always return less amount of share for user.
Proof of Concept
Solmate's function convertToShares follows the formula: assetDepositAmount * totalShareSupply / assetBalanceBeforeDeposit.
The share price always return 1:1 with asset token. If everything work normally, share price will slowly increase with time to 1:2 or 1:10 as more rewards coming in. But right after xERC4626 contract creation, during first cycle, any user can deposit 1 share set totalSupply = 1. And transfer token to the vault to inflate totalAssets() before rewards kick in. This can inflate base share price as high as 1:1e18 early on, which force all subsequence deposit to use this share price as base.
How to test the exploit: Add this code to xERC4626Test.t.sol file to test:
Results after the test:
Tools Used
VS Code/Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
This exploit is unique and only works if starting supply equal 0 or very small number and rewards cycle is very short. Or everyone withdraws, total share supply become 0.
This can be easily fix by making sure someone always deposited first so totalSupply become high enough, that this exploit become irrelevant. Unless in unlikely case someone made arbitrage bot watching the sfrxETH vault contract. Just force deposit early token during vault construction as last resort.