code-423n4 / 2022-09-party-findings

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Attacker can DOS private party by donating ETH then calling buy #196

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Party is DOS'd and may potentially lose access to NFT

Proof of Concept


party = party_ = partyFactory
            name: name,
            symbol: symbol,
            governance: PartyGovernance.GovernanceOpts({
                hosts: governanceOpts.hosts,
                voteDuration: governanceOpts.voteDuration,
                executionDelay: governanceOpts.executionDelay,
                passThresholdBps: governanceOpts.passThresholdBps,
                totalVotingPower: _getFinalPrice().safeCastUint256ToUint96(),
                feeBps: governanceOpts.feeBps,
                feeRecipient: governanceOpts.feeRecipient


function _getFinalPrice()
    returns (uint256)
    return settledPrice;

When BuyCrowdFund.sol successfully completes a buy, totalVotingPower is set to _getFinalPrice which in the case of BuyCrowdFundBase.sol returns the price at which the NFT was purchased. totalVotingPower is used by the governance contract to determine the number of votes needed for a proposal to pass. If there are not enough claimable votes to meet that threshold then the party is softlocked because it can't pass any proposals. An attacker could exploit this to DOS even a private party with the following steps:

  1. Wait for party to be filled to just under quorum threshold
  2. Donate ETH to the crowdfund contract
  3. Call BuyCrowdFund.sol#buy. Since it is unpermissioned even for parties with a gatekeeper, the call won't revert

Since the voting power for the final amount of ETH cannot be claimed, the party is now softlocked. If emergencyExecuteDisabled is true then the party will be permanantly locked and the NFT would effectively be burned. If emergencyExecuteDisabled is false then users would have to wait for PartyDAO to reclaim the NFT.

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Permission to call BuyCrowdFund.sol#buy should be gated if there is a gatekeeper

merklejerk commented 2 years ago

Theoretically possible but there doesn't seem to be much upside for the attacker. We do think it's unusual that buy()/bid() can be called by a non-member for a private/gatekept party, so we will add gatekeeping logic there to fix this. We will also cap the callValue (and therefore final price) to totalContributions.

0xble commented 2 years ago


HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

Although it's without upside, it is a path for the attacker to potentially lock the NFT. Since it can cause a loss of asset for users, this seems to be a High risk issue.

Let me know if I misunderstood.

merklejerk commented 2 years ago

~Don't consider it high because there is a much more straightforward way to softlock a party: contribute normally and don't ever participate in governance.~ Oh nvm, this is the private party one. Yeah I'm fine with high.