code-423n4 / 2023-01-popcorn-findings

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`quitPeriod` is effectively always just `1 day` #785

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The quitPeriod is supposed to give users time to rage quit if there are changes they don't agree with. The quit period is limited to be within 1 day and a week and can only be changed by owner:

File: Vault.sol

629:    function setQuitPeriod(uint256 _quitPeriod) external onlyOwner {
630:        if (_quitPeriod < 1 days || _quitPeriod > 7 days)
631:            revert InvalidQuitPeriod();
633:        quitPeriod = _quitPeriod;
635:        emit QuitPeriodSet(quitPeriod);
636:    }

However the change can be done instantly. An owner can propose a change, users will expect to wait three days for it to be applied, and after one day change the quitPeriod to 1 day and apply the changes.


Changes to fees and adapters can happen faster than users expect not giving them time enough to react.

Proof of Concept

Small PoC in Vault.t.sol:

  function test__set_fees_after_1_day() public {
        deposit: 1e17,
        withdrawal: 1e17,
        management: 1e17,
        performance: 1e17
    // users expect to have three days
    console.log("quit period",vault.quitPeriod());

    // jump 1 day
    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
    // owner changes quit period
    vault.setQuitPeriod(1 days);
    // and does the changes

Tools Used

manual audit, vs code, forge

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Either lock quitPeriod changes for the old quitPeriod.

Or apply the duration when the change is proposed:

diff --git a/src/vault/Vault.sol b/src/vault/Vault.sol
index 7a8f941..bccc561 100644
--- a/src/vault/Vault.sol
+++ b/src/vault/Vault.sol
@@ -531,14 +531,14 @@ contract Vault is
         ) revert InvalidVaultFees();

         proposedFees = newFees;
-        proposedFeeTime = block.timestamp;
+        proposedFeeTime = block.timestamp + quitPeriod;

         emit NewFeesProposed(newFees, block.timestamp);

     /// @notice Change fees to the previously proposed fees after the quit period has passed.
     function changeFees() external {
-        if (block.timestamp < proposedFeeTime + quitPeriod)
+        if (block.timestamp < proposedFeeTime)
             revert NotPassedQuitPeriod(quitPeriod);

         emit ChangedFees(fees, proposedFees);

Same applies for changeAdapter

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as duplicate of #363

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

RedVeil marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as selected for report