The brokerClaim() function is susceptible to frontrunning, allowing unauthorized users to claim the broker role in the smart contract.
This can lead to unauthorized access and manipulation of sensitive operations and to financial losses due to potential exploits by unauthorized asset transfers as the broker can mint new tokens to himself or to the provided address and mints 51% of the pool tokens to himself and lead to a severe centralization and control over the smart contract ecosystem.
Proof of Concept
function brokerClaim() external {
require(broker == address(0), "OTAP: only once");
broker = msg.sender;
Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Implement an access control mechanism in the smart contract that limits the execution of the brokerClaim() function to authorized addresses only
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
The brokerClaim() function is susceptible to frontrunning, allowing unauthorized users to claim the broker role in the smart contract. This can lead to unauthorized access and manipulation of sensitive operations and to financial losses due to potential exploits by unauthorized asset transfers as the broker can mint new tokens to himself or to the provided address and mints 51% of the pool tokens to himself and lead to a severe centralization and control over the smart contract ecosystem.
Proof of Concept
Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Implement an access control mechanism in the smart contract that limits the execution of the brokerClaim() function to authorized addresses only
Assessed type
Access Control