code-423n4 / 2023-09-delegate-findings

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Incorrect delegate token URI in MarketMetadata.sol. #265

Closed c4-submissions closed 11 months ago

c4-submissions commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Web3 logic may be error prone by the wrong delegate token URL.

Proof of Concept

In DelegateToken.tokenURL(), MarketMetadata.delegateTokenURI() is called. MarketMetadata.delegateTokenURI() is as follows.

File: MarketMetadata.sol
37:     function delegateTokenURI(address tokenContract, uint256 delegateTokenId, uint256 expiry, address principalOwner) external view returns (string memory) {
38:         string memory idstr = Strings.toString(delegateTokenId);
40:         string memory pownerstr = principalOwner == address(0) ? "N/A" : Strings.toHexString(principalOwner);
41:         //slither-disable-next-line timestamp
42:         string memory status = principalOwner == address(0) || expiry <= block.timestamp ? "Expired" : "Active";
44:         string memory firstPartOfMetadataString = string.concat(
45:             '{"name":"Delegate Token #"',
46:             idstr,
47:             '","description":"DelegateMarket lets you escrow your token for a chosen timeperiod and receive a token representing the associated delegation rights. This collection represents the tokenized delegation rights.","attributes":[{"trait_type":"Collection Address","value":"',
48:             Strings.toHexString(tokenContract),
49:             '"},{"trait_type":"Token ID","value":"',
50:             idstr,
51:             '"},{"trait_type":"Expires At","display_type":"date","value":',
52:             Strings.toString(expiry)
53:         );
54:         string memory secondPartOfMetadataString = string.concat(
55:             '},{"trait_type":"Principal Owner Address","value":"',
56:             pownerstr,
57:             '"},{"trait_type":"Delegate Status","value":"',
58:             status,
59:             '"}]',
60:             ',"image":"',
61:             delegateTokenBaseURI,
62:             "rights/",
63:             idstr,
64:             '"}'
65:         );
66:         // Build via two substrings to avoid stack-too-deep
67:         string memory metadataString = string.concat(firstPartOfMetadataString, secondPartOfMetadataString);
69:         return string.concat("data:application/json;base64,", Base64.encode(bytes(metadataString)));
70:     }

In L45, the last " character is wrong and this error leads the meta data string to invalid JSON format.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

MarketMetadata.delegateTokenURI() should be modified as follows.

File: MarketMetadata.sol
37:     function delegateTokenURI(address tokenContract, uint256 delegateTokenId, uint256 expiry, address principalOwner) external view returns (string memory) {
38:         string memory idstr = Strings.toString(delegateTokenId);
44:         string memory firstPartOfMetadataString = string.concat(
45: -            '{"name":"Delegate Token #"',
45: +            '{"name":"Delegate Token #',
46:             idstr,
69:         return string.concat("data:application/json;base64,", Base64.encode(bytes(metadataString)));
70:     }

Assessed type


0xfoobar commented 12 months ago

MarketMetadata.sol is not in scope

c4-sponsor commented 12 months ago

0xfoobar (sponsor) disputed

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Out of scope