The attacker can steal all the ETH balance of the Root Bridge Agent and the Branch Bridge contracts using the Fallback mechanism.
Currently the Maia protocol supports the Fallback feature that will send the fallback payload. In the Branch Bridge Agent contract, the fallback payload will be sent via the Layerzero to the Root Bridge Agent as seen in the code below.
* @notice Internal function performs the call to Layerzero Endpoint Contract for cross-chain messaging.
* @param _refundee address to refund gas to.
* @param _settlementNonce root settlement nonce to fallback.
function _performFallbackCall(address payable _refundee, uint32 _settlementNonce) internal virtual {
//Sends message to LayerZero messaging layer
ILayerZeroEndpoint(lzEndpointAddress).send{value: address(this).balance}(
abi.encodePacked(bytes1(0x09), _settlementNonce),
In the Root Bridge Agent contract, the fallback payload will be sent via the Layerzero to the Branch Bridge Agent as seen in the code below.
* @notice Internal function performs call to Layerzero Enpoint Contract for cross-chain messaging.
* @param _depositNonce branch deposit nonce.
* @param _dstChainId Chain ID of destination chain.
function _performFallbackCall(address payable _refundee, uint32 _depositNonce, uint16 _dstChainId) internal {
//Sends message to LayerZero messaging layer
ILayerZeroEndpoint(lzEndpointAddress).send{value: address(this).balance}(
abi.encodePacked(bytes1(0x04), _depositNonce),
So in order to support this feature, it is expected that the Root Bridge Agent and the Branch Bridge Agent should have enough ETH to cover the fees to pay the Layerzero Endpoint for the transactions. Otherwise, the transaction will fail. See Message Failed
But notice that in the lzReceive of Root Bridge Agent and Branch Bridge Agent, it is used excessivelySafeCall to lzReceiveNonBlocking, so if the call to lzReceiveNonBlocking is failed (reverted), the message delivery from the Layerzero endpoint is still succesfull.
So for some transactions that the call to lzReceiveNonBlocking is reverted, it does not spend ETH, but the contract still received ETH from Layerzero, so ETH is accumulated in Root Bridge Agent and Branch Bridge Agent. This ETH can come from different users with different transactions.
End of Note.
But in this code, the contract send all the ETH balance to the Layerzero Endpoint without calculating the message fee. If the msg.value that is the balance of the contract is bigger than the message fee, then ETH is returned to _refundee and The _refundee is the account that sent the message.
So by using this feature, the attacker can steal all the ETH balance of the Branch Bridge Agent and Root Bridge Agent contracts.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
The attacker can steal all the ETH balance of the Root Bridge Agent and the Branch Bridge contracts using the Fallback mechanism.
Currently the Maia protocol supports the Fallback feature that will send the fallback payload. In the Branch Bridge Agent contract, the fallback payload will be sent via the Layerzero to the Root Bridge Agent as seen in the code below.
In the Root Bridge Agent contract, the fallback payload will be sent via the Layerzero to the Branch Bridge Agent as seen in the code below. _performFallbackCall
So in order to support this feature, it is expected that the Root Bridge Agent and the Branch Bridge Agent should have enough ETH to cover the fees to pay the Layerzero Endpoint for the transactions. Otherwise, the transaction will fail. See Message Failed
Note: The ETH in Root Bridge Agent and Branch Bridge Agent can come from the Layerzero endpoint when users uses adapter parameters: _gasParams.remoteBranchExecutionGas as airdrop native token via Layerzero as explained in ( We can see this is similuted in the test cases of Maia:
But notice that in the lzReceive of Root Bridge Agent and Branch Bridge Agent, it is used excessivelySafeCall to lzReceiveNonBlocking, so if the call to lzReceiveNonBlocking is failed (reverted), the message delivery from the Layerzero endpoint is still succesfull. So for some transactions that the call to lzReceiveNonBlocking is reverted, it does not spend ETH, but the contract still received ETH from Layerzero, so ETH is accumulated in Root Bridge Agent and Branch Bridge Agent. This ETH can come from different users with different transactions.
End of Note.
But in this code, the contract send all the ETH balance to the Layerzero Endpoint without calculating the message fee. If the msg.value that is the balance of the contract is bigger than the message fee, then ETH is returned to _refundee and The _refundee is the account that sent the message.
So by using this feature, the attacker can steal all the ETH balance of the Branch Bridge Agent and Root Bridge Agent contracts.
Proof of Concept
Step 1: Attacker call on the Branch Bridge Agent
_hasFallbackToggled is true
the _params that have
Step 2: Attacker call the redeemDeposit to take back his money
The POC on Branch Bridge Agent is similar to test case testFallbackClearDepositRedeemSuccess testFallbackClearDepositRedeemSuccess
The flow of the message on the root chain: the message is sent from the Layerzero Endpoint to the Root bridge agent Title
Then _execute
The call to bridgeAgentExecutorAddress will return false means failed so the _performFallbackCall is triggered. _performFallbackCall
So all the ETH balance of the Root Bridge Agent is sent to LayerZero EndPoint, and the refund value is sent to attacker address on the root chain.
Similar attack scenarios can be performed to steal all the ETH of the Branch Bridge Agent
Tools Used
Manual Review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
In the function to performFallback, should calculate the messageFee using the function estimateFees() ( and send only the fee needed.
Assessed type