code-423n4 / 2023-12-particle-findings

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reclaimLiquidity() Malicious borrowers can force LPs to be unable to retrieve Liquidity by closing and reopening the Position before it expires. #35

Open c4-bot-6 opened 11 months ago

c4-bot-6 commented 11 months ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Vulnerability details

If LP wants to retrieve the Liquidity that has been lent out, it can set a renewalCutoffTime through reclaimLiquidity(). If the borrower does not voluntarily close, liquidatePosition() can be used to forcibly close the position after the loan expires.

    function liquidatePosition(
        DataStruct.ClosePositionParams calldata params,
        address borrower
    ) external override nonReentrant {
        if (
            !((closeCache.tokenFromPremium < liquidateCache.tokenFromOwed ||
                closeCache.tokenToPremium < liquidateCache.tokenToOwed) ||
@>              (lien.startTime < lps.getRenewalCutoffTime(lien.tokenId) &&
@>                 lien.startTime + LOAN_TERM < block.timestamp))
        ) {
            revert Errors.LiquidationNotMet();

To forcibly close the position, we still need to wait for the expiration block.timestamp > lien.startTime + LOAN_TERM.

But currently, openPosition() is not restricted by renewalCutoffTime, as long as there is Liquidity, we can open a position.

In this way, malicious borrowers can continuously occupy Liquidity by closing and reopening before expiration. For example:

  1. The borrower executes open position, LOAN_TERM = 7 days
  2. LP executes reclaimLiquidity() to retrieve Liquidity
  3. On the 6th day, borrower execute closePosition() -> openPosition()
  4. The new lien.startTime = block.timestamp
  5. LP needs to wait another 7 days
  6. The borrower repeats the 3rd step, indefinitely postponing

The borrower may need to pay a certain fee when openPosition(). If the benefits can be expected, it is very cost-effective.


Malicious borrowers can force LPs to be unable to retrieve Liquidity by closing and reopening the Position before it expires.

Recommended Mitigation

It is recommended that when openPosition(), if the current time is less than renewalCutoffTime + LOAN_TERM + 1 days, do not allow new positions to be opened, giving LP a time window for retrieval.

Or set a new flag TOKEN_CLOSE = true to allow lp to specify that Liquidity will no longer be lent out.

    function openPosition(
        DataStruct.OpenPositionParams calldata params
    ) public override nonReentrant returns (uint96 lienId, uint256 collateralTo) {
+     require(block.timestamp > (lps[params.tokenId].renewalCutoffTime + LOAN_TERM + 1 days),"LP Restrict Open ");

Assessed type


c4-judge commented 11 months ago

0xleastwood marked the issue as primary issue

romeroadrian commented 11 months ago

Duplicate #53

wukong-particle commented 11 months ago

This is an interesting discovery. Our original thinking was after reclaim, LP can withdraw liquidity in one tx via multicall. But the problem here is that the already borrowed liquidity can be extended indefinitely. We should probably just restrict new positions to be opened if reclaim is called. And the suggested change is also valid. Thanks!

c4-judge commented 11 months ago

0xleastwood marked the issue as selected for report

c4-sponsor commented 11 months ago

wukong-particle (sponsor) confirmed