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The "Cinema Mode" settings do not work correctly #2496

Open Gordon-Dry opened 4 months ago

Gordon-Dry commented 4 months ago

Tab "Player", "Cinema Mode", with submenu entries named "Auto Cinema Mode" and "Auto Hide Cinema Mode on Pause". Enabling "Cinema Mode" won't do anything. Enabling "Auto Cinema Mode" breaks the website, only the video content is shown, the rest is blank.

ImprovedTube commented 4 months ago

Seems auto Cinema Mode breaks when enabled alone. (Wasn't written to be enabled alone. My bad not making the sub-options invisible until the parent is enabled)

Cinema mode is new thanks to @SanderDebets #2149 and can be simplified i think

Compare "general": "Dim Youtube's Pages, except what I mouse-over!"

ShalokShalom commented 3 months ago

One thing still does not work:

When I enable Cinema Mode and "Disable when paused" then it will auto-enable itself:

1.) Enable Cinema Mode and Auto Hide Cinema Mode on Pause


2.) Pause the video

3.) Enable it again and see, that Cinema Mode is enabled.

You do not enable Cinema Mode in this case, and Auto Enable is also not turned on. Its still enabling itself unwanted.