Feat: encrypt one share using aes-256 and store it in db
I have added the functionality of encrypting one of the shares using the AES-256-CBC encrypting module and then storing it into the respective field of the user's database.
Also, I fixed some function naming issues of the encrypting modules for AES, AWS, and GCP
This video demonstrates the encryption of the share as well as saving it in the database:
Feat: encrypt one share using aes-256 and store it in db
I have added the functionality of encrypting one of the shares using the AES-256-CBC encrypting module and then storing it into the respective field of the user's database. Also, I fixed some function naming issues of the encrypting modules for AES, AWS, and GCP
This video demonstrates the encryption of the share as well as saving it in the database:
Issue Number: Resolves #165
🛠️ Type of Change
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