on a server controller I had to add a random thing to the link to get betterchat to work for links after the first one, like:
await client.ChatSendServerMessageToLoginAsync($"$8f8$l[https://trackmania.io/#player/{player.Login}?utm_source=dips++&r={x}]{player.NickName}$l$z", e.Login);
I guess this is something to do with the url being used as the ID and like buttons, any with a shared ID after the first don't work.
on a server controller I had to add a random thing to the link to get betterchat to work for links after the first one, like:
await client.ChatSendServerMessageToLoginAsync($"$8f8$l[https://trackmania.io/#player/{player.Login}?utm_source=dips++&r={x}]{player.NickName}$l$z", e.Login);
I guess this is something to do with the url being used as the ID and like buttons, any with a shared ID after the first don't work.