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Blog needs to be seeded #8

Closed goldenmeanie closed 9 years ago

goldenmeanie commented 9 years ago

There is a top-level nav to the blog. Posts are still shown on home page for now.

posts still go in '_posts'

I can add a '_drafts' folder for work in progress, but I think you can move ahead unimpeded for now.

goldenmeanie commented 9 years ago

post ideas

joealba commented 9 years ago

Here's a little more about working with drafts in Jekyll 2:

This way you can work on them and view them locally without them being published. @Frymasterspeck, let me know if you'd like a hand getting jekyll serve working on your computer for local viewing.

Frymasterspeck commented 9 years ago

Looking at the drafts link now. Just hand copy/pasted (in my ignorance) a second blog post (meetup report). Getting the hang of Markdown. getting wiggy on me, but I'm fine in Github. Will continue to make posts, but also want to improve the projects pages.

Thanks for all your help, people that know a thing!

goldenmeanie commented 9 years ago

We've got the blog up and running!