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Codemirror/view 6.28.0 breaks newlines in chrome 126 #1391

Closed jorg-vr closed 2 weeks ago

jorg-vr commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the issue


Pressing the 'enter' key when the editor is focused is completely ignored. No newlines are added. Pasting newlines still works.


Codemirror/view 6.28.0 Chrome Version 126.0.6478.55 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Also tested in Firefox and chrome 114. The issue wasn't present there.


Create an editor without extensions

new EditorView({
  doc: "",
  extensions: [],
  parent: document.body


Currently fixed by adding an extension:

        key: "Enter", run: insertNewline


Browser and platform

Chrome Version 126.0.6478.55 (Official Build) (64-bit) Linux mint

Reproduction link

marijnh commented 3 weeks ago

You'll want to actually bind enter to something with a keymap, like the default keymap.

marijnh commented 3 weeks ago

Oh, you already noticed that I see. The library provides no guarantee on any key behaving in any particular way (beyond text insertion) when you don't bind commands for them.

jorg-vr commented 3 weeks ago

Oh I didn't know we needed to explicitly add the standard keymap for 'Enter' to work. Odd that this behavior changed between versions though...

kylemcd commented 2 weeks ago

Adding to this, it seems that all non-manually binded keymaps are no longer working, examples like: CMD+F, CMD+Z. This seems like a regression to me, or at least a breaking change, as this totally borked our editor with the version upgrade.

marijnh commented 2 weeks ago

Ctrl-f works fine for me in that /try link (on Linux). For the undo history you definitely also want to wire in CodeMirror's implementation, since the native one is very flaky on a scripted editor like this.

marijnh commented 2 weeks ago

Just verified that cmd-f also still accesses the browser's native search on macOS Chrome.

jorg-vr commented 2 weeks ago

This issue is fixed in Codemirror/view 6.28.1

marijnh commented 2 weeks ago

Not really. That version temporarily disables EditContext, but later versions will enable it again. Just bind commands to your keys, you'll avoid a lot of problems, not just this one.