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Programmatically fetch CodeMirror version #1398

Open Opisek opened 4 days ago

Opisek commented 4 days ago

Describe the issue

Given how CodeMirror is used in many closed-source applications, it can be difficult to hunt down bugs, when users of those apps report them, since the version of CodeMirror is not known.

Over at CodeMirror-Vim we are introducing a :version command:

For now, we can print the CodeMirror-Vim version. In CodeMirror 5, it was possible to fetch the used version inside the source code.

It would be great if this ability was also given in CodeMirror 6. Then, we could print the version of CodeMirror-Vim, as well as CodeMirror itself or its individual components.

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marijnh commented 4 days ago

I've thought about this, but since a CodeMirror 6 system generally consists of 10+ packages, all with their own version number, it'd be a pain to use (how do you even figure out which packages to query?) and doesn't seem worth the additional complexity in the release machinery and package interfaces.