codota / jupyter-tabnine

Autocompletion with Deep Learning on Jupyter Notebook
MIT License
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jupyter-tabnine doesnt work at all after installation #4

Open Diyago opened 4 years ago

Diyago commented 4 years ago

I followed instruction but failed. Everything seems to be installed pretty well (I see it nbextension menu enabled), but doesn't work at all, in addition it broke old default autocompletion, but started to work afain after disabling this extension. What can I do to make it work?

Below info that I did:

!jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine
!jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine
!jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine
Installing C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyter_tabnine\static -> jupyter_tabnine
Up to date: C:\ProgramData\jupyter\nbextensions\jupyter_tabnine\main.css
Up to date: C:\ProgramData\jupyter\nbextensions\jupyter_tabnine\main.js
Up to date: C:\ProgramData\jupyter\nbextensions\jupyter_tabnine\
Up to date: C:\ProgramData\jupyter\nbextensions\jupyter_tabnine\tabnine.yaml
- Validating: ok

    To initialize this nbextension in the browser every time the notebook (or other app) loads:

          jupyter nbextension enable jupyter_tabnine --py

Enabling notebook extension jupyter_tabnine/main...
     - Validating: ok
Enabling: jupyter_tabnine
- Writing config: C:\Users\ashrapov-ir\.jupyter
    - Validating...
      jupyter_tabnine  ok

!pip list Package Version

absl-py 0.6.1
alabaster 0.7.10
albumentations 0.3.0
altair 2.3.0
anaconda-client 1.6.3
anaconda-navigator 1.6.2
anaconda-project 0.6.0
asn1crypto 0.22.0
astor 0.7.1
astroid 1.4.9
astropy 1.3.2
atomicwrites 1.3.0
attrs 19.1.0
automl 2.9.9
Babel 2.4.0
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size 1.0.0
beautifulsoup4 4.6.0
bitarray 0.8.1
blaze 0.10.1
bleach 1.5.0
bokeh 0.12.5
boto 2.46.1
boto3 1.9.80
botocore 1.12.80
Bottleneck 1.2.1
bz2file 0.98
certifi 2019.6.16
cffi 1.10.0
chardet 3.0.3
Click 7.0
cloudpickle 0.2.2
clyent 1.2.2
colorama 0.4.1
comtypes 1.1.2
conda 4.3.21
contextlib2 0.5.5
cryptography 1.8.1
cx-Oracle 7.0.0
cycler 0.10.0
Cython 0.25.2
cytoolz 0.8.2
dask 1.0.0
datashape 0.5.4
deap 1.2.2
decorator 4.0.11
distributed 1.16.3
docutils 0.13.1
efficientnet 0.0.3
entrypoints 0.2.2
et-xmlfile 1.0.1
fastcache 1.0.2
flake8 3.6.0
Flask 0.12.2
Flask-Cors 3.0.2
funcy 1.12
future 0.17.1
gast 0.2.0
gensim 3.6.0
gevent 1.2.1
greenlet 0.4.12
grpcio 1.18.0
h5py 2.7.0
HeapDict 1.0.0
html5lib 0.999
hyperopt 0.1.1
idna 2.5
image-classifiers 0.2.0
imagecodecs 2018.12.1
imagesize 0.7.1
imgaug 0.2.6
importlib-metadata 0.19
ipykernel 4.6.1
ipython 5.3.0
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipywidgets 6.0.0
isort 4.2.5
itsdangerous 0.24
jdcal 1.3
jedi 0.10.2
Jinja2 2.9.6
jmespath 0.9.3
joblib 0.13.0
jsonschema 2.6.0
jupyter 1.0.0
jupyter-client 5.0.1
jupyter-console 5.1.0
jupyter-contrib-core 0.3.3
jupyter-contrib-nbextensions 0.5.1
jupyter-core 4.3.0
jupyter-highlight-selected-word 0.2.0
jupyter-latex-envs 1.4.6
jupyter-nbextensions-configurator 0.4.1
jupyter-tabnine 1.0.2
Keras 2.2.4
Keras-Applications 1.0.7
Keras-Preprocessing 1.0.5
keras-tqdm 2.0.1
kito 1.0.0
labelme 3.6.16
lazy-object-proxy 1.2.2
lightgbm 2.0.12
llvmlite 0.18.0
locket 0.2.0
logdecorator 2.1
lunardate 0.2.0
lxml 3.7.3
Markdown 3.0.1
MarkupSafe 0.23
matplotlib 2.0.2
mccabe 0.6.1
menuinst 1.4.7
mistune 0.7.4
more-itertools 7.2.0
mpmath 0.19
msgpack-python 0.4.8
multipledispatch 0.4.9
navigator-updater 0.1.0
nbconvert 5.1.1
nbformat 4.3.0
networkx 1.11
nltk 3.2.3
nose 1.3.7
notebook 5.0.0
numba 0.33.0
numexpr 2.6.2
numpy 1.16.2
numpydoc 0.6.0
odo 0.5.0
olefile 0.44
openpyxl 2.4.7
packaging 19.1
pandas 0.25.1
pandocfilters 1.4.1
partd 0.3.8 10.3.1
pathlib2 2.2.1
patsy 0.4.1
pep8 1.7.0
pickleshare 0.7.4
pigar 0.9.2
Pillow 5.3.0
pip 18.1
pluggy 0.12.0
ply 3.10
pox 0.2.4
prompt-toolkit 1.0.14
prophet 0.1.1
protobuf 3.6.1
psutil 5.2.2
py 1.8.0
pycodestyle 2.4.0
pycosat 0.6.2
pycparser 2.17
pycrypto 2.6.1
pycurl 7.43.0
pyflakes 2.0.0
Pygments 2.2.0
pylint 1.6.4
pymongo 3.7.2
pymystem3 0.2.0
pyodbc 4.0.16
pyOpenSSL 17.0.0
pypandoc 1.4
pyparsing 2.4.2
pyreadline 2.1
pytest 5.0.1
python-dateutil 2.7.5
pytz 2017.2
PyWavelets 0.5.2
pywin32 220
PyYAML 3.12
pyzmq 16.0.2
QtAwesome 0.4.4
qtconsole 4.3.0
QtPy 1.2.1
requests 2.22.0
rope-py3k 0.9.4.post1 s3transfer 0.1.13
scikit-image 0.14.2
scikit-learn 0.18.1
scipy 1.2.0
seaborn 0.7.1
segmentation-models 0.2.1
setuptools 40.6.3
shap 0.28.5
Shapely 1.6.4.post1 simplegeneric 0.8.1
six 1.12.0
sklearn-deap2 0.2.2
smart-open 1.7.1
snowballstemmer 1.2.1
sortedcollections 0.5.3
sortedcontainers 1.5.7
Sphinx 2.1.2
sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3
spyder 3.1.4
SQLAlchemy 1.1.9
statsmodels 0.8.0
sympy 1.0
tables 3.2.2
tabulate 0.8.2
tblib 1.3.2
tensorboard 1.12.1
tensorflow-gpu 1.12.0
termcolor 1.1.0
testpath 0.3
tifffile 2018.11.28 toolz 0.8.2
tornado 4.4.3
tqdm 4.29.0
traitlets 4.3.2
transliterate 1.10.2
tta-wrapper 0.0.1
unicodecsv 0.14.1
urllib3 1.24.1
vega-datasets 0.7.0
virtualenv 16.2.0
wcwidth 0.1.7
webencodings 0.5.1
Werkzeug 0.12.2
wheel 0.32.3
widgetsnbextension 2.0.0
win-unicode-console 0.5
wrapt 1.10.10
xgboost 0.82
xlrd 1.1.0
XlsxWriter 0.9.6
xlwings 0.10.4
xlwt 1.2.0
zict 0.1.2
zipp 0.5.2

wenmin-wu commented 4 years ago

Sorry for this late reply. You need to restart the Jupyter after enabling the server extension.

Diyago commented 4 years ago

@wenmin-wu restarted several times, same problem

wenmin-wu commented 4 years ago

@Diyago which browser are you using? Can right-click on the page and click inspect and screenshot the logs on the console tab.

daddydrac commented 4 years ago

I am getting this error:

Support for specifying --pylab on the command line has been removed. Please use%pylab jupyter_tabnineor%matplotlib jupyter_tabninein the notebook itself.

wenmin-wu commented 4 years ago

@joehoeller What command did you issue cause this error?

wenmin-wu commented 4 years ago

@Diyago I guess, maybe you are using IE. IE is not compatible with the completer of jupyter notebook. You can try it on Chrome.

daddydrac commented 4 years ago


Originally in my Dockerfile I was running these commands: jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system] jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]

In this repo, here:

I removed those commands and just with the pip installer, it works now. I would appreciate it if you could pull the repo down, build the container on your local, and see if it autocomplete works.

wenmin-wu commented 4 years ago

@joehoeller I think I get the problem. Replace

RUN jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]
RUN jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]
RUN jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]


RUN jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine
RUN jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine
RUN jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine

[--user|--sys-prefix|--system] is an optional argument, you can add one of them for your purpose. Since you install it in image, you'd better don't use this argument.

daddydrac commented 4 years ago

Do I run in CMD or RUN?

wenmin-wu commented 4 years ago

@joehoeller in RUN. In Dockerfile RUN is for commands that help to build the image while CMD is the command which will be executed when you docker run the image.

daddydrac commented 4 years ago

Sure, yes I knew that. But there is a Jupyter command in the CMD portion of the Dockerfile which is why I asked.

On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 8:35 AM 吴文敏 wrote:

@joehoeller in RUN. In Dockerfile RUN is for commands that help to build the image while CMD is the command which will be executed when you docker run the image.

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wenmin-wu commented 4 years ago

@joehoeller sure, I see. Thanks for using this plugin:)

som-dubey commented 4 years ago

When i am trying to run it on Jupyter notebook, it isn't responding at all. I have done the installation as mentioned on the github page -

!pip install jupyter-tabnine !jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine !jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine !jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine

when i am checking the console for error, i am getting this error -


som-dubey commented 4 years ago

When i am trying to run it on Jupyter notebook, it isn't responding at all. I have done the installation as mentioned on the github page -

!pip install jupyter-tabnine !jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine !jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine !jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine

when i am checking the console for error, i am getting this error -


The above problem was solved on its own after a laptop restart.

sayan1999 commented 3 years ago

@som-dubey I was getting the same error. Resolved with restart.

akmalsoliev commented 3 years ago

@joehoeller I think I get the problem. Replace

RUN jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]
RUN jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]
RUN jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine [--user|--sys-prefix|--system]


RUN jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine
RUN jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine
RUN jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine

[--user|--sys-prefix|--system] is an optional argument, you can add one of them for your purpose. Since you install it in image, you'd better don't use this argument.

Had the similar issue, running the quoted commands fixed the issue.