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Issue setting up GCP for a second workspace #278

Open JesseRuttTX opened 2 months ago

JesseRuttTX commented 2 months ago

Hi, I am a graduate student researcher trying to get my coiled workspace named dessler_workspace linked to a GCP project owned by my research advisor. Here are my current workspaces:

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 9 07 59 PM

The jesse-rutt workspace is one I have linked to my personal GCP account and project. I am currently trying to link my dessler_workspace project to my advisors project so any costs will go through that project. When I run the command "coiled setup gcp" while my coiled workspace is set to default to dessler_workspace I get this error:

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 9 11 42 PM

I asked my advisor to give me permissions and yet I still get the same error. These are the current roles in the project:

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 9 05 07 PM

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

ntabris commented 1 month ago

The "Project IAM Admin" role doesn't let you create roles, it only has these permissions:


You'd need something like "Role Administrator" in order to create the roles.

There might be some additional required permissions, just for running setup. If your advisor is comfortable temporarily giving you "Editor" to run setup, that's probably the easiest way to ensure you can do everything required.

JesseRuttTX commented 1 month ago

My advisor has changed my role to the "editor" role and yet I still seem to be getting the same error. Is there something else I am potentially doing wrong when trying to get my coiled workspace connected to the GCP project?


Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 3 57 07 PM

The roles in the GCP project:

Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 3 57 25 PM
ntabris commented 1 month ago

Oh, I thought editor included this but now I'm looking at it doesn't. Sorry for the hassle!

For iam.roles.create, it looks like you need "Role Administrator" role.

I confirmed this by searching the predefined roles using

JesseRuttTX commented 1 month ago

My role is now "Role Administrator", but I now get this error:

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 10 58 21 AM