A function to rename a variable, or a dimension would be useful, which then also renames all the uncertainty variables, and associated attributes etc in the relevant uncertainty and err_corr variables. Something along the line of:
def rename_var(self, dataset, varname, varname_new, wavvar, wavvar_new):
replace_dict = {wavvar: wavvar_new}
for var in dataset.variables:
if varname in var:
replace_dict[var] = var.replace(varname, varname_new)
dataset_temp = dataset.rename(replace_dict)
if "unc_comps" in dataset_temp[varname_new].attrs.keys():
dataset_temp[varname_new].attrs["unc_comps"] = [
comp.replace(varname, varname_new)
for comp in dataset_temp[varname_new].attrs["unc_comps"]
for comp in dataset_temp[varname_new].attrs["unc_comps"]:
for i in range(2):
if wavvar == dataset_temp[comp].attrs["err_corr_%s_dim"%(i+1)]:
if len(dataset_temp[comp].attrs["err_corr_%s_params"%(i+1)]) > 0:
if "err_corr" in dataset_temp[comp].attrs["err_corr_%s_params"%(i+1)][0]:
dataset_temp[comp].attrs["err_corr_%s_params"%(i+1)][0] = \
dataset_temp[comp].attrs["err_corr_%s_params"%(i+1)][0].replace(varname, varname_new)
return dataset_temp
A function to rename a variable, or a dimension would be useful, which then also renames all the uncertainty variables, and associated attributes etc in the relevant uncertainty and err_corr variables. Something along the line of: