commandblockguy / commas

A tool for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator to display commas as thousands separators
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Doesn’t work via Artifice #1

Open C29H25N3O5 opened 2 weeks ago

C29H25N3O5 commented 2 weeks ago

I have a TI–84 Plus CE running the V5.8.0012 OS. I know that it’s not possible to run these programs directly via the pgrm button since Texas Instruments blocked that, so I installed all dependencies and tried to launch the program via ArTIfiCE. However, whenever I run the program, the digit separator is not working, and for all results longer than four digits the calculator only shows me the first digit. I tried to tinker around reinstalling the program/dependencies and resetting my calculator but it did not work. Note that I am using one of the “newer” versions of the TI–84 Plus CE so I think this may be the reason why the program is bugging.

commandblockguy commented 2 weeks ago

This is an issue that I ran into a few times during development. I believe it has something to do with the routine that I'm using to display MathPrint output using memory that hasn't been initialized properly after the calculator has reset. As a workaround, you can disable MathPrint™ by opening the mode menu and selecting CLASSIC. I also seem to remember being able to get output to display correctly by manually evaluating an expression that gives a MathPrint output on the homescreen once after a reset. I forget exactly which expression I used - it might have been a list or a matrix.

C29H25N3O5 commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you. Just a quick update—I followed your advice to disable MathPrint on my calculator and the number separator worked fine, but it still didn't work when I reenabled MathPrint. However, after doing a few calculations, I was able to get it to work properly with MathPrint as well with no additional configuration. Very interesting, and I don’t really know if I can replicate this if I reset the RAM.

P.S. I tried to store the numbers in lists and matrices and then display the results over them (before I got the separator to work in MathPrint mode). The separators were not present at all even after running the program (the calculator still shows only the first digit when I try to do normal calculations).