commercetools / commercetools-payone-integration

Integration between commercetools eCommerce API and Payone payment service provider API.
MIT License
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Document how to create payment objects and execute handle request #173

Open butenkor opened 7 years ago

butenkor commented 7 years ago

Describe mandatory and optional fields and provide JSON examples for payment object creation and handle request.

JudeNiroshan commented 3 years ago

HI @butenkor,

Can you answer the following questions?

  1. "JSON examples for payment object creation" Do you mean the CTP payment object creation or Payone payment object creation?
  2. "handle request" I guess, this means the request we send from webshop to payone integration library. Is that what you expect to be documented?
  3. As we have multiple payment methods, should we only focus on the most widely used payment method (PAYPAL)?
JudeNiroshan commented 3 years ago

Write a simplified integration guide or refactor the existing files. Focus on Credit-Card workflow. Steps like

  1. Creating the CT payment.
  2. Updating the CT payment with payone transaction info
  3. Calling handle URL (dealing with HTTP response that will be received by handle URL)