commitizen / cz-jira-smart-commit

A commitizen adapter for Jira Smart Commits
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When using cz-jira-smart-commit no commit is generated #8

Closed pgoodjohn closed 6 years ago

pgoodjohn commented 7 years ago

I just downloaded Commitizen and cz-jira-smart-commit to implement them in our internal projects but I can't seem to get the latter to work.

When I run git cz I get the correct prompt (i.e. GitHub commit message, Jira Issude Id, Workflow command etc) but after filling them all in no commit is generated and the files remain in staging without being actually committed to the project.

I tried with both packages installed locally and globally but no chance, using any other wrapper (i.e. cz-conventional-changelog) everything works flawlessy. Any idea what could be causing the JIRA wrapper not to be working correctly?

My .cz.json looks like the following:

   "path": "node_modules/cz-jira-smart-commit"
pgoodjohn commented 7 years ago

9 Fixes this issue.

jimthedev commented 7 years ago

Hi thanks for the PR. Can you make sure that it isn't pointing to github and is instead pointing to the npm package?

See this line:

pgoodjohn commented 7 years ago

Hi @jimthedev!

e2e1d234f4778890f47fc2c9ef017bceb319ba6e points to npm package. Sorry for not noticing but we needed to use the fixed package internally and I forgot to change it before submitting the PR