common-voice / commonvoice-fr

Tooling for producing French dataset for Common Voice
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Fix `best_dev_checkpoint` path #167

Open wasertech opened 1 year ago

wasertech commented 1 year ago

Produced checkpoints are using absolute path where they should really be using relative ones.

Checkpoints FR STT 0.9

# ./best_dev_checkpoint
model_checkpoint_path: "/mnt/checkpoints/best_dev-221133"
all_model_checkpoint_paths: "/mnt/checkpoints/best_dev-221133"

Here is English checkpoint for reference.

# ./best_dev_checkpoint
model_checkpoint_path: "best_dev-3663881"
all_model_checkpoint_paths: "best_dev-3663881"

Fix should probably go into I think.

Related : ^ STT's lm_optimizer throws a NotFoundError from TF, since the path points to nowhere in transfer-learning configuration, as checkpoint path is /transfer-checkpoint/ instead of /mnt/checkpoints/.

That was for DS but with STT, we have access to --load_checkpoint_dir and --save_checkpoint_dir flags instead.

    if [ -f "/transfer-checkpoint/checkpoint" -a ! -f "/mnt/models/output_graph.tflite" ]; then
        echo "Using checkpoint from ${TRANSFER_CHECKPOINT}"
        # use --load_checkpoint_dir for transfer learning
        LOAD_CHECKPOINT_FROM="--load_checkpoint_dir /transfer-checkpoint --save_checkpoint_dir /mnt/checkpoints"
        LOAD_CHECKPOINT_FROM="--checkpoint_dir /mnt/checkpoints/"

Example from my branch stt140-cv9