commons-app / apps-android-commons

The Wikimedia Commons Android app allows users to upload pictures from their Android phone/tablet to Wikimedia Commons
Apache License 2.0
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Editor to correctly blur faces and vehicle plate numbers #190

Open nicolas-raoul opened 8 years ago

nicolas-raoul commented 8 years ago

While it can be done by installing an external tool, having a built-in one would prevent these frequent mistakes:

Low priority though.

jayvdb commented 8 years ago

At mentioned on #181, may have some good code (it should be available as a library...) at least for faces.

Looping in @AbdealiJK and @drtrigon , as they have been working in a similar area for , e.g. . Unfortunately that is python, but perhaps the underlying technology can also be used in the Android app.

AbdealiLoKo commented 8 years ago

Regarding license plates, has instructions to install in Android and seems nice

nicolas-raoul commented 8 years ago

Thanks! I hadn't thought about automating the blurring, but indeed that could be an idea if the libraries are small and fast. In any case, it should be opt-in, as obviously when I take a picture of Barrack Obama or the Presidential state car I don't want any blurring :-)

drtrigon commented 7 years ago

May be for a pay per view model... ;))

drtrigon commented 7 years ago

Can android use wrapper derived from/for C/C++ code?

jayvdb commented 7 years ago


nicolas-raoul commented 4 years ago

Random idea: As a bonus, it would save time if the app could automatically add blur zones at the right places when opening the blur edition activity. The user could then remove/edit/add blur zones, before going to the next step. Feel free to not include this bonus idea when fixing this issue, though.

nicolas-raoul commented 4 years ago

This app blurs faces, might be a source of inspiration:

Please note that all face/plate recognition should be performed locally, not by calling a web service.

nicolas-raoul commented 2 years ago

jpegtran can be used in our Android app via JNI, here is an example doing that:

And here is a jpegtran fork that performs blurring without reducing the quality of other parts of the image:

OpenGreenStreet commented 2 years ago

Such a function would also be very desirable from my point of view