comp-think / 2023-2024

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Lecture "Dynamic programming algorithms", exercise 1 #29

Open essepuntato opened 10 months ago

essepuntato commented 10 months ago

Using a dynamic programming approach, write an extension of the multiplication function introduced in the chapter "Recursion", i.e. def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict). This new function takes in input two integers to multiply and a dictionary with multiplications between numbers. The function returns the result of the multiplication and, at the same time, modifies the solution dictionary adding additional solutions when found. Accompany the implementation of the function with the appropriate test cases.

frammenti commented 10 months ago

Improved version with only one for cycle in the dictionary

def test_multiplication_dp2(n1, n2, solution_dict):
    expected = n1 * n2
    result = multiplication_dp2(n1, n2, solution_dict)
    return result == expected

def multiplication_dp2(n1, n2, solution_dict):
    if n1 < n2:
        n1, n2 = n2, n1
    # Computation of shortest route to target
    yn = n1 + n2 # generation
    xn = n1 - n2 # position in generation
    s = n2 # steps
    t1, t2 = n1, 0 # target coordinates
    for (d1, d2) in solution_dict:
        if d1 < d2:
            d1, d2 = d2, d1
        yd = d1 + d2
        xd = d1 - d2
        if 0 <= abs(xn - xd) <= 2:
            sd = abs(yn - yd)
            sd = abs(xn - xd)
        # If it takes fewer steps to get to dictionary item considered, target is changed
        if sd < s:
            s = sd
            t1, t2 = d1, d2
    # Steps split for n1 and n2
    s1 = t1 - n1
    s2 = t2 - n2
    # Recursive step
    return multiplication(n1, n2, s1, s2, solution_dict)

def multiplication(n1, n2, s1, s2, solution_dict):
    key = (n1, n2)
    rkey = (n2, n1)
    if key not in solution_dict and rkey not in solution_dict:
        if n2 == 0:
            solution_dict[key] = 0
        elif s1 < 0:
            solution_dict[key] = n2 + multiplication(n1 - 1, n2, s1 + 1, s2, solution_dict)
        elif s2 < 0:
            solution_dict[key] = n1 + multiplication(n1, n2 - 1, s1, s2 + 1, solution_dict)
        elif s1 > 0:
            solution_dict[key] = multiplication(n1 + 1, n2, s1 - 1, s2, solution_dict) - n2
        elif s2 > 0:
            solution_dict[key] = multiplication(n1, n2 + 1, s1, s2 - 1, solution_dict) - n1
    elif rkey in solution_dict:
        solution_dict[key] = solution_dict.pop(rkey)
    return solution_dict[key]

solution_dict1 = {(7, 5): 35}
solution_dict2 = {(8, 5): 40}
solution_dict3 = {(7, 5): 35, (8, 5): 40}
solution_dict4 = {(13, 4): 52}
solution_dict5 = {(13, 2): 26}
solution_dict6 = {(3, 4): 12}
solution_dict7 = {(2, 2): 4}

print(test_multiplication_dp2(7, 7, solution_dict1))
print(test_multiplication_dp2(9, 7, solution_dict1))
print(test_multiplication_dp2(9, 7, solution_dict2))
print(test_multiplication_dp2(10, 7, solution_dict3))
print(test_multiplication_dp2(10, 7, solution_dict4))
print(test_multiplication_dp2(10, 7, solution_dict5))
print(test_multiplication_dp2(5, 5, solution_dict6))
print(test_multiplication_dp2(5, 5, solution_dict7))

# {(7, 5): 35, (7, 6): 42, (7, 7): 49, (8, 7): 56, (9, 7): 63}
# {(8, 5): 40, (8, 6): 48, (8, 7): 56, (9, 7): 63}
# {(7, 5): 35, (8, 5): 40, (8, 6): 48, (8, 7): 56, (9, 7): 63, (10, 7): 70}
# {(13, 4): 52, (12, 4): 48, (11, 4): 44, (10, 4): 40, (10, 5): 50, (10, 6): 60, (10, 7): 70}
# {(13, 2): 26, (10, 0): 0, (10, 1): 10, (10, 2): 20, (10, 3): 30, (10, 4): 40, (10, 5): 50, (10, 6): 60, (10, 7): 70}
# {(4, 3): 12, (4, 4): 16, (4, 5): 20, (5, 5): 25}
# {(2, 2): 4, (5, 0): 0, (5, 1): 5, (5, 2): 10, (5, 3): 15, (5, 4): 20, (5, 5): 25}

Old version

def test_multiplication_dp(n1, n2, solution_dict):
    expected = n1 * n2
    result = multiplication_dp(n1, n2, solution_dict)
    return result == expected

def multiplication_dp(n1, n2, solution_dict):
    n1, n2 = factor_swap(n1, n2, solution_dict)
    key = (n1, n2)
    rkey = (n2, n1)
    if key not in solution_dict and rkey not in solution_dict:
        if n2 == 0:
            solution_dict[key] = 0
            result = n1 + multiplication_dp(n1, n2 - 1, solution_dict)
            solution_dict[key] = result
    elif rkey in solution_dict:
        result = solution_dict.pop(rkey)
        solution_dict[key] = result
    return solution_dict[key]

def factor_swap(n1, n2, solution_dict):
    if n1 != n2:
        for ni in range(n1, -1, -1):
            if (ni, n2) in solution_dict or (n2, ni) in solution_dict:
                delta1 = n1 - ni
            delta1 = n1
        for ni in range(n2, -1, -1):
            if (n1, ni) in solution_dict or (ni, n1) in solution_dict:
                delta2 = n2 - ni
            delta2 = n2
        if delta1 < delta2:
            n1, n2 = n2, n1
    return n1, n2

solution_dict1 = {(7, 5): 35}
solution_dict2 = {(8, 5): 40}
solution_dict3 = {(7, 5): 35, (8, 5): 40}

print(test_multiplication_dp(7, 7, solution_dict1))
print(test_multiplication_dp(9, 7, solution_dict1))
print(test_multiplication_dp(9, 7, solution_dict2))
print(test_multiplication_dp(10, 7, solution_dict3))

# {(7, 5): 35, (7, 6): 42, (7, 7): 49, (7, 8): 56, (7, 9): 63}
# {(5, 8): 40, (5, 9): 45, (9, 6): 54, (9, 7): 63}
# {(7, 5): 35, (8, 5): 40, (8, 6): 48, (8, 7): 56, (7, 9): 63, (7, 10): 70}
katyakrsn commented 10 months ago
def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if (int_1, int_2) not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:  # base case 1
            solution_dict[int_1, int_2] = 0
        elif int_2 == 1:  # base case 2
            solution_dict[int_1, int_2] = int_1
            solution_dict[int_1, int_2] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)
    return solution_dict.get((int_1, int_2), 0)

print(test_multiplication(3, 4, {}, 12))  # test case: 3 * 4 = 12
print(test_multiplication(5, 0, {}, 0))  # test case: 5 * 0 = 0
print(test_multiplication(0, 9, {}, 0))  # test case: 0 * 9 = 0
valentinabertelli commented 10 months ago
def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if int_2 not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[int_2] = 0
            solution_dict[int_2] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)
    return solution_dict.get(int_2)

print (test_multiplication(3, 4, dict(), 12)) #True
print (test_multiplication(5, 10, dict(), 50)) #True
print (test_multiplication(8, 2, dict(), 16)) #True
print (test_multiplication(3, 0, dict(), 0)) #True
qwindici commented 10 months ago

New solution using the same dictionary in every test

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    dict_key = frozenset([int_1, int_2])
    if dict_key not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[dict_key] = 0
            solution_dict[dict_key] = int_1 + multiplication(
                int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict
    return solution_dict.get(dict_key)

def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    if multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict) == expected:
        return True
        return False

my_dict = {}
print(test_multiplication(3, 10, my_dict, 30))
print(test_multiplication(0, 2, my_dict, 0))
print(test_multiplication(5, 7, my_dict, 35))
print(test_multiplication(15, 4, my_dict, 60))
print(test_multiplication(2, 7, my_dict, 14))

Same idea using tuples

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    dict_key = (int_1, int_2)
    if dict_key not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[dict_key] = 0
            solution_dict[dict_key] = int_1 + multiplication(
                int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict
    return solution_dict.get(dict_key)

def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    if multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict) == expected:
        return True
        return False

my_dict = {}
print(test_multiplication(3, 10, my_dict, 30))
print(test_multiplication(0, 2, my_dict, 0))
print(test_multiplication(5, 7, my_dict, 35))
print(test_multiplication(15, 4, my_dict, 60))
print(test_multiplication(2, 7, my_dict, 14))

Old version:

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if int_2 not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[0] = 0
            solution_dict[int_2] = int_1 + multiplication(
                int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict
    return solution_dict.get(int_2)

def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    if multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict) == expected:
        return True
        return False

print(test_multiplication(3, 10, {}, 30))
print(test_multiplication(0, 2, {}, 0))
print(test_multiplication(5, 7, {}, 35))
print(test_multiplication(15, 4, {}, 60))
vattelalberto commented 9 months ago
def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if int_2 not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[int_2] = 0
            solution_dict[int_2] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)

    return solution_dict[int_2]

print(test_multiplication(0, 0, dict(), 0))
print(test_multiplication(1, 0, dict(), 0))
print(test_multiplication(5, 7, dict(), 35))
Liber-R commented 9 months ago

Screenshot 2023-12-09 132945

simocasaz commented 9 months ago
def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if result == expected:
        return True
        return False

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if int_2 not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[int_2] = 0
            solution_dict[int_2] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)

    return solution_dict.get(int_2)

print(test_multiplication(6, 5, dict(), 30))
print(test_multiplication(6, 8, dict(), 48))
print(test_multiplication(8, 0, dict(), 0))
print(test_multiplication(0, 0, dict(), 0))
print(test_multiplication(34, 523, dict(), 17782))
print(test_multiplication(5, 32, dict(), 160))
rufferbaraldi commented 9 months ago
def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if int_2 not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[int_2] = 0
            solution_dict[int_2] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)
    return solution_dict.get(int_2)

print(test_multiplication(4, 3, dict(), 12))
print(test_multiplication(5, 2, dict(), 10)) 
print (test_multiplication(7, 2, dict(), 14))
print (test_multiplication(2, 0, dict(), 0))
CarlaMenegat commented 9 months ago

Captura de Tela 2023-12-10 às 16 23 32

Chiaramartina commented 9 months ago
Schermata 2023-12-10 alle 17 14 57
essepuntato commented 9 months ago

Thanks for your take. Just a few comments:

MariaFrancesca6 commented 9 months ago
def test_multiplication(int_1,int_2,solution_dict,expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if result == expected:
        return True

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if (int_1,int_2) not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[int_2] = 0
            solution_dict[int_2] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)  

    return solution_dict.get(int_2)

matildepassafaro commented 9 months ago
# test case for the function
def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

# code for the function
def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    # checking if solution exists
    my_key = (int_1, int_2)
    if my_key not in solution_dict:
        # base case
        if int_1 == 0 or int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[my_key] = 0
        # recursive step
            solution_dict[my_key] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)

    return solution_dict.get(my_key)

# tests
print(test_multiplication(3, 4, dict(), 12))
print(test_multiplication(7, 8, dict(), 56))
print(test_multiplication(0, 0, dict(), 0))
print(test_multiplication(0, 3, dict(), 0))
Sergpoipoip commented 9 months ago
def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    return multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict) == expected

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    if int_1 < int_2:
        int_1, int_2 = int_2, int_1
    if (int_1, int_2) not in solution_dict:
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[int_1, int_2] = 0
            solution_dict[int_1, int_2] = multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict) + int_1
    return solution_dict.get((int_1, int_2))

solution_dict = {}
print(test_multiplication(3, 10, solution_dict, 30))
print(test_multiplication(0, 0, solution_dict, 0))
print(test_multiplication(11, 1, solution_dict, 11))
vattelalberto commented 9 months ago

Revised version of my algorithm, now that I actually understood the purpose of using a dictionary

def test_multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict, expected):
    result = multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False

def multiplication(int_1, int_2, solution_dict):
    #to avoid redundant entries in the dictionary the first element is always the greater
    if int_1 < int_2:
         return multiplication(int_2, int_1, solution_dict)
    if (int_1, int_2) not in solution_dict:
        #check for basic solution when multiplied by 0
        if int_2 == 0:
            solution_dict[(int_1, int_2)] = 0
        #check for basic solution when multiplied by 1
        elif int_2 == 1:
            solution_dict[(int_1, int_2)] = int_1
            solution_dict[(int_1, int_2)] = int_1 + multiplication(int_1, int_2 - 1, solution_dict)

    return solution_dict[(int_1, int_2)]

my_dict = dict()

print(test_multiplication(0, 0, my_dict, 0))
print(test_multiplication(1, 0, my_dict, 0))
print(test_multiplication(5, 7, my_dict, 35))
print(test_multiplication(2, 7, my_dict, 14))
print(test_multiplication(7, 2, my_dict, 14))
valetedd commented 9 months ago
def test_multiplication_dp(n, m, d, expected):
    result = multiplication_dp(n, m, d)
    if expected == result:
        return True
        return False
# Code of the function
def multiplication_dp(n, m, d):
# Checking if a solution exists
    if n * m not in d:
        if m == 0 or n == 0: # base case 
            d[n * m] = 0 
        else: # recursive step
        # the dictionary will be passed as input of the recursive
        # calls of the function
            d[n * m] = n + multiplication_dp(n, m - 1, d)
    return d.get(n * m)

empty_dic = {}

print(test_multiplication_dp(3, 5, empty_dic, 15))
print(test_multiplication_dp(-1, 7, empty_dic, -7))
print(test_multiplication_dp(20, 50, empty_dic, 1000))
print(test_multiplication_dp(-17, -5, empty_dic, 85))
print(test_multiplication_dp(0, 0, empty_dic, 0))
print(test_multiplication_dp(1, 1, empty_dic, 1))