compiling-to-categories / concat

Compiling to Categories
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what is the current status of support for recursive definitions? #33

Open cartazio opened 6 years ago

cartazio commented 6 years ago

we chatted about how thats current a no go at ICFP 2017, has there been any action on that since?

agrue commented 4 years ago

I'm curious about this too. Specifically I'm interested in deriving backpropagation for RNNs, e.g. LSTM. When I try the straightforward approach of folding over the inputs the CCC translation seems to get hung up on the recursive let binding.

What makes this a "no go" currently?

conal commented 4 years ago

It's just something I've not gotten around to. I think it requires roughly the following:

sellout commented 3 years ago

I think I'm going to try tackling part of this. I only need to support non-mutually-recursive local let bindings (I'm pretty sure). Curious whether the past year has given you any more thoughts on how to approach this.


conal commented 3 years ago

Great! I haven’t worked on it at all. I’m happy to help with design issues and implementation if you like.

sellout commented 3 years ago

The approach I've implemented is to "unfix" any recursive definition (subst the recursive references with a fresh Var) and wrap it in Data.Function.fix. Then fix gets converted to the traced Cartesian notion of fix:

fixC :: Prod k a x `k` x -> a `k` x

so, fix @(a -> b) becomes fixC @cat @() @(a ->b) (the extra parameter is always @()). I think this satisfies my case, and I think can use the same approach for non-mutually-recursive global definitions (we've moved inlining internal to the plugin, so after looking up the unfolding, I can check whether the identifier we're inlining is free in the unfolding for that same identifier).

I'd like to be able to weaken the conversion so I can get away with traced monoidal, instead of traced Cartesian in some cases, but I'm not sure how to do that.

conal commented 3 years ago

How wonderful to hear of activity on this front!

The approach I’ve implemented is to “unfix” any recursive definition (subst the recursive references with a fresh Var) and wrap it in Data.Function.fix. Then fix gets converted to the traced Cartesian notion of fix:

fixC :: Prod k a x `k` x -> a `k` x

That fixC type surprises me. I expected ((a × z) `k` (b × z)) -> (a `k` b) as in a traced monoidal category. Or something akin to (a -> a) -> a as in Haskell.

How did you come up with your type?

so, fix @(a -> b) becomes fixC @cat @() @(a ->b) (the extra parameter is always @()).

Which is the “extra parameter” here? By argument order, I guess a = () and x = a -> b, so fixC essentially has type (a `k` b) -> (a `k` b), which seems unlikely (though likelier than x = ()).

sellout commented 3 years ago

fixC @(->) @() is isomorphic to base's fix.

I guess a = () and x = a -> b, so fixC essentially has type (a `k` b) -> (a `k` b),

The first half of this is correct, but this means fixC @(->) has type (((), a -> b) -> a -> b) -> () -> a -> b, so removing the units ends up as ((a -> b) -> a -> b) -> a -> b (i.e., the same as Data.Function.fix) -- and this should work even if the recursive binding isn't a function (say in the case of building a record lazily where some fields depend on the values of others), where we get (a -> a) -> a, truly as general as Data.Function.fix.

This fixC is from section 3.1 of, and I believe the extra parameter is necessary for a categorical version of a fixed point (although since the category must be Cartesian to have fixC that extra parameter could be restricted to the Unit, I suppose, which is what I'm doing when translating fix from base).

To summarize that paper (and a couple other sources, where I don't remember what comes from which):

A traced monoidal category has a trace like ((a × z) `k` (b × z)) -> (a `k` b), if that category is also Cartesian monoidal, you get a morphism like fixC. trace and fixC are each definable in terms of the other in that case.

So, I was able to come up with a translation in terms of fixC (which is pretty trivial since fix is right there for us), but that requires that the target category is Cartesian. So yeah, a translation that used trace instead of fixC (in at least some cases) would be preferable, but I'm not sure how to take that step.

sellout commented 3 years ago

Oh, yeah, the nLab page you linked has a brief section on the "parameterized fixed-point" and a reference to the paper I linked:

conal commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I see my mistake now.

sellout commented 3 years ago

A small update to this. I had said "the extra parameter is always ()", but it's not.

Here's a short conversion:

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fixC :: (x, a) `k` a -> x `k` a

-- the starting point of the conversion, thus the goal is @x `k` a@
(\x -> fix U) :: x -> a

goLam x U :: x `k` a -> a
uncurry (goLam x U) :: (x, a) `k` a
fixC (uncurry (goLam x U)) :: x `k` a

So, the extra parameter is the Var of the Lam we're converting. This is quite a nice mapping.