consensus-shipyard / ipc

🌳 Spawn multi-level trees of customized, scalable, EVM-compatible networks with IPC. L2++ powered by FVM, Wasm, libp2p, IPFS/IPLD, and CometBFT.
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IPC Contracts Redesign #929

Open maciejwitowski opened 2 months ago

maciejwitowski commented 2 months ago


cryptoAtwill commented 3 weeks ago


When a subnet is created, it has to register itself to a Gateway, submitting all the funds locked to the gateway. With the funds submitted to the gateway, the gateway will:

  1. Route the cross network messages for the subnet
  2. Tracks the checkpointing
  3. Handles fund deposit and release
  4. …


There are a few problems associated with the above approach or the current implementations.

Phases / scope

Milestone 4 is not fully covered yet as the upgrade path is not fully clear to me (please help enlighten me).


To separate the subnet actor and gateway so that:

  1. Funds are managed by each subnet itself. Each subnet is segregated from another.
  2. Gateway handles routing and high level subnet information display.

To clarify the definitions of Gateway and Subnet. Subnetis basically a representation of a network. Each Subnet will have a parent, except for the root subnet. Subnet should have two parts:

  1. A smart contract, which is called SubnetActor, that lives in the parent network.
  2. A blockchain that is running separately, such as as fendermint. Gateway is a smart contract that lives in the blockchain, that interfaces with IPC.

For SubnetActor, as long as it implements the SubnetActor interface, it is considered as a potential Subnet. IPC should provide just templates and utils for SubnetActor's actual implementation. The Gateway should be implemented mostly by IPC.

PowerAllocationMode controls how power is allocated, which can be driven by collateral, explicitly-assigned weights, or both (hybrid).

The SubnetActor interface is specified as (TO BE FILLED GRADUALLY):

interface SubnetActor {
  // the token used
  function supplySource() external view returns(SupplySource memory);

  // the genesis bytes, child blockchain should parse the bytes accordingly
  function genesis() external view returns(bytes memory);

  function powerAllocationMode() external view 
      returns(PowerAllocationMode memory);

  function consensus() external view returns(Consensus memory);

  // deposit funds into the subnet
  function deposit(FVMAddress to, uint256 amount) external emits IPCEnvolope;

  // route the cross network call from the gateway
  function routeXnetCall(IpcEnvelope msg) external onlyGateway;

enum PowerAllocationMode {

enum Consensus {
  // proof of stake like consensus algorithm, could be stake or federated power

The Gateway interface (logically) contains several parts: GatewayChildRegistry, GatewayTopdownFacet, GatewayBottomUpFacet. The GatewayTopdownFacet handles the requests from the parent. GatewayBottomUpFacet handles requests from the child to the parent. GatewayChildRegistry handles the registration of subnets in the parent.

interface GatewayChildRegistry {
  // a subnet attempts to register itself to the gateway, only approved subnet
  // can register
  function register() onlyApproved external;

  // removes a subnet from the gateway
  function revoke(SubnetId subnet) onlyRole(SubnetAdmin) external;

  function approveRegister(SubnetId subnet) onlyRole(SubnetAdmin) extenral;

  function rejectRegister(SubnetId subnet) onlyRole(SubnetAdmin) external;
interface GatewayBottomUpFacet {
  // withdraw the specified amount to the parent, amount is msg.value
  function withdraw(FVMAddress to) onlyOwner external emits IPCEnvolope;

  // for registered subnet to route a message to the parent
  function mail(IPCEnvelope envelope) onlyRegisterred external;

  // methods from existing `CheckpointingFacet`

The GatewayTopdownFacet is the same as existing TopDownFinalityFacet

The overall relationship is as follows:


Subnet Lifecycle

The lifecycle of a subnet happens both in the parent, i.e. through SubnetActor, and in the blockchain, i.e. fendermint.

IPC will provide several template implementations of different permission modes.

interface CollateralSubnet is SubnetActor {
  function consensus() external view override returns(Consensus memory) {
    return Consensus.ProofOfPower;

  // ======= admin methods =======

  // sample setter for configuration, what can be: minValidators, 
  // minColallateral, ...
  function set(string what, uint256 value) onlyOwner external;

  // ======= open to public =======

  // for join, stake, unstake, leave, kill handling of pre
  function validatorJoin(
      uint256 collateral,
      bytes publicKey
    ) external emits PowerChange[];

  function validatorStake(
      uint256 collateral
    ) external emits PowerChange[];

  function validatorUnstake(
      uint256 collateral
    ) external emits PowerChange[];

  function validatorLeave() external emits PowerChange[];

  function kill() external;

  // claim the collateral after collateral released
  function claim() external;

  // ===== getters =====
  function isActiveValidator(address addr) external returns(bool);

  function isWaitingValidator(address addr) external returns(bool);

interface FederatedSubnet is SubnetActor {
  function setPower(
        address[] calldata validators,
        bytes[] calldata publicKeys,
        uint256[] calldata powers
  ) external onlyOwner;

  function kill() external;

  // ===== getters =====
  function getPower(address addr) external returns(uint256);

For the above implementations, it will call into the existing LibStaking (probably rename to LibPower or any other better names) that handles the validator tracking.

For collateral based subnet, operations that deal with validator stakes will no longer send funds to the gateway contract. The funds will be managed by the subnet actor instead.

XNet Messaging (L2 only)

The direct consequence of the change is cross messages execution. The biggest change is all cross message entrypoints are shifted to the SubnetActor, Gateway no longer plays a critical part in message execution. It exposes only a mail method to registered subnets and handles message routing.

For topdown messages, the funds should be locked in the child subnet. For example, the implementation of fund will be:

contract SubnetActor {

  function fund(..., uint256 amount) {
      SupplySource memory s = ...;

      IPCEnvolope msg = ...

      // same as current implementation

The current commitTopdownMsg does not need to change. but only shift to the SubnetActor. The corresponding child gateway handling methods that executes the cross messages does not have to change. The execution of topdown messages in the child happens in GatewayTopdownFacet, if the message is targeting a grandchild subnet, then GatewayTopdownFacet will call the corresponding SubnetActor in the child network.

For sendXnetMsg, there are still some questions to be clarified, see [link]( But the design should be mostly similar to fund.

For bottom up checkpoint, there is no change to CheckpointingFacet as checkpoint creation and signature collection should still happen in the child gateway. When the relayer submits the checkpoint to the parent gateway, there is no need to call into gateway at commitCheckpoint , see [link]( The execution of xnet messages should be shifted to SubnetActor , see [method]( Only when the target subnet is not the current subnet, then it call into the Gateway to route the message into the postbox.

contract GatewayRoutingFacet {

  function route(IPCEnvolop msg) external onlyRegisterred {
    // design to be discussed, current system does not have this enabled.

Validator Changes Sync Simplification

Currently the validator changes are emitted as operations, that can be replayed in both child and parent. It’s not really necessary for the child to take operations as inputs to power calculation, only the final weight is required. As such, the parent will still maintain the list of top validators, but only emits the final weight to the child.

There are two approaches:

The first approach requires slightly less change to existing system, but the second approach might be cleaner. Feedbacks needed!

Generalisation of Subnet Genesis

Currently the subnet genesis is manually constructed, i.e. with each new component or functionality change, one needs to update the code in fendermint, GatewayManager and SubnetActor to capture the changes. At the same time, one needs to make sure the parent genesis information is correctly propagated to the child subnet gateway, otherwise it’s a bug(this happened before). It’s very coupled. An automated way to track the genesis and propagate to the child subnet would be very helpful.

The idea is as follows, instead of currently creating a variable that tracks the subnet state, i.e. bootstrapped field in the SubnetStorage struct, one can generalise the genesis formation as concatenation an array of IGenesisComponent interfaces.

/// @notice A interface that indicated the implementing facet contains a or multiple genesis settings.
interface IGenesisComponent {
    /// @notice Returns the id of the component
    function id() external view returns(bytes4);

    /// @notice Returns the actual bytes of the genesis component
    function genesis() external view returns(bytes memory);

    /// @notice Checks if the component is bootstrapped
    function bootstrapped() external view returns(bool);

Any facet that requires input to the genesis can just implement the IGenesisComponent interface. When the subnet is created and the facets are passed into the constructor, by simply checking if the facet support IGenesisComponent, one can automatically know which facets need to write data into the genesis.

As an example, a subnet implementation has two facets implementing IGenesisComponent:

We can create a SubnetBootstrapFacet , that holds [SubnetActorFacet, FederatedPowerFacet] in its storage. It has the following methods:

contract SubnetBootstrapFacet {
    /// @notice Checks if the subnet is bootstrapped
    function bootstrapped() public view returns(bool) {
        /// loops [SubnetActorFacet, FederatedPowerFacet],
        /// to only returns true if the two facets are bootstrapped

    function genesis() external view returns(bytes memory) {
        if (!bootstrapped()) {
            revert SubnetNotBootstrapped();

        return Bytes.concat(

The SubnetActorFacet, FederatedPowerFacet above can have their own bootstrap conditions. Caller of SubnetBootstrapFacet.genesis just need to parse the bytes to accordingly.

The SubnetBootstrapFacet.genesis() should be passed to the child Gateway , so that the gateway can streamline the genesis syncing process, without manually customization.

raulk commented 1 day ago

Potential spec at