I created a random 32 character password for the SOAP service and after hours and hours of troubleshooting why it would not work I discovered that Quickbooks\Drivers\SQL.php _authLogin method returns null if the password length is 32 or 40 characters in order to prevent "possible hack attempts".
I wanted to add this issue for a few reasons.... to help others, this should be documented, and hopefully encourage a better means of brute force protection.
I created a random 32 character password for the SOAP service and after hours and hours of troubleshooting why it would not work I discovered that Quickbooks\Drivers\SQL.php _authLogin method returns null if the password length is 32 or 40 characters in order to prevent "possible hack attempts".
I wanted to add this issue for a few reasons.... to help others, this should be documented, and hopefully encourage a better means of brute force protection.
Thank you for this great tool.
Auth Error: QBWC1040