Open sun-11y opened 1 month ago
containerd 1.5 has been end-of-life since February 2023. Also, it is unlikely we would fix anything in nerdctl 1.4...
Is your problem affecting the last version? It is hard to tell from your command - which does not work.
If yes, can you provide an actual example that we can run to reproduce your issue?
container version 1.5.7 and nofile settings is LimitNOFILE=infinity
when i use nerdctl 1.4.0 exec command like this nerdctl compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up --debug-full and when i run exec -it xxx --ulimit -Hn return 1024
when i use nerdctl 1.7.7 exec command like this nerdctl compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up --debug-full no error and when i run exec -it xxx --ulimit -Hn return 1073741816
Why does this happen? Is the version incompatible?Please help answer