containers / podman

Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
Apache License 2.0
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SBOM. sbom flags are not respected #23915

Open AndreiPaulau opened 2 weeks ago

AndreiPaulau commented 2 weeks ago

Issue Description

SBOM flags are not respected while podman build command. Meanwhile sbom options fails if wrong input.

Builds were made inside container

Checked over tags 5.0 - 5.2

At the same time buildah build command works as expected.

Steps to reproduce the issue

podman build:

podman build -t sbom-img --sbom=trivy-spdx \
        --sbom-image-output=/app/sbom-spdx.json \
        --sbom-output=sbom-spdx.json \ \
        --sbom-scanner-command="trivy filesystem -q {ROOTFS} --format spdx-json --output {OUTPUT}" \
        --sbom-scanner-command="trivy filesystem -q {CONTEXT} --format spdx-json --output {OUTPUT}" \
        --sbom-merge-strategy=merge-spdx-by-package-name-and-versioninfo \
        -f Dockerfile


FROM ubuntu:22.04

Describe the results you received

Simply skipped scanning and further SBOM file creation

WARN[0000] Using cgroups-v1 which is deprecated in favor of cgroups-v2 with Podman v5 and will be removed in a future version. Set environment variable `PODMAN_IGNORE_CGROUPSV1_WARNING` to hide this warning.
STEP 1/2: FROM ubuntu:22.04
Resolved "ubuntu" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/000-shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 857cc8cb19c0 done   |
Copying config 53a843653c done   |
Writing manifest to image destination
STEP 2/2: WORKDIR /app
COMMIT sbom-img
--> c3058f6a81c4
Successfully tagged localhost/sbom-img:latest
[root@da6851966881 /]# podman run -it --rm sbom-img ls -al
WARN[0000] Using cgroups-v1 which is deprecated in favor of cgroups-v2 with Podman v5 and will be removed in a future version. Set environment variable `PODMAN_IGNORE_CGROUPSV1_WARNING` to hide this warning.
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Sep 12 14:28 .
dr-xr-xr-x 18 root root 4096 Sep 12 14:28 ..

While building with buildah: pulled trivy -> scanned image -> create layer with /app/sbom-spdx.json file buildah build with the same options:

STEP 1/2: FROM ubuntu:22.04
STEP 2/2: WORKDIR /app
COMMIT sbom-img-buildah
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 1b9b7346fee7 skipped: already exists
Copying blob cad2856146df done   |
Copying blob 9ad3fb25c9c9 done   |
Copying config 85ca4d47d9 done   |
Writing manifest to image destination
--> 85ca4d47d901
Successfully tagged localhost/sbom-img-buildah:latest
[root@da6851966881 /]# podman run -it --rm sbom-img-buildah ls -al
WARN[0000] Using cgroups-v1 which is deprecated in favor of cgroups-v2 with Podman v5 and will be removed in a future version. Set environment variable `PODMAN_IGNORE_CGROUPSV1_WARNING` to hide this warning.
total 312
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   4096 Sep 12 14:30 .
dr-xr-xr-x 18 root root   4096 Sep 12 14:31 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 307726 Sep 12 14:30 sbom-spdx.json

Describe the results you expected

Describe the results you expected

podman info output

- WSL ubuntu 22.04
- K8s

Podman in a container


Privileged Or Rootless


Upstream Latest Release


Additional environment details

Additional environment details

Additional information

Additional information like issue happens only occasionally or issue happens with a particular architecture or on a particular setting

lsm5 commented 2 weeks ago

@AndreiPaulau thanks for the report. Could you please update the Describe the results you received with the actual results you noticed?

@l0rd PTAL in case this is wsl / k8s related.

AndreiPaulau commented 2 weeks ago

@lsm5 Updated with command output

l0rd commented 2 weeks ago

It looks like in podman we are not parsing sbom command line arguments and that's done buildah CLI side. Should not be related to WSL or Kube.

l0rd commented 2 weeks ago

@AndreiPaulau would you like to submit a PR to fix this?