What is the licence of the Angular demo app? GPL, MIT?
I discovered the project a bit by accident (reading about headless solutions) and found it wonderfull that you had implemented state management, working browser history and store / router synchronisation. Great demo, thanks for sharing.
I'm currently starting a project in Angular 7+ while learning it and I had a hard time finding documentation on how to do that in Angular (and after having see too much SPA in AngularJS having broken history management), so I will use your app as a starter to understand a bit better how to use NGRX (and eventually be able to compare to the other options).
Knowing the licence will help me know if I should just use it for learning or if I can pick / adjust some of the code / ideas to our needs.
ps : Drupal / Contenta full solution would currently be a difficult sell for our project (my organisation is more Java / Spring /Apex / DotCMS oriented) but I will surely explore Contenta later for my own personnal project, it seem to be well tought.
What is the licence of the Angular demo app? GPL, MIT?
I discovered the project a bit by accident (reading about headless solutions) and found it wonderfull that you had implemented state management, working browser history and store / router synchronisation. Great demo, thanks for sharing.
I'm currently starting a project in Angular 7+ while learning it and I had a hard time finding documentation on how to do that in Angular (and after having see too much SPA in AngularJS having broken history management), so I will use your app as a starter to understand a bit better how to use NGRX (and eventually be able to compare to the other options).
Knowing the licence will help me know if I should just use it for learning or if I can pick / adjust some of the code / ideas to our needs.
ps : Drupal / Contenta full solution would currently be a difficult sell for our project (my organisation is more Java / Spring /Apex / DotCMS oriented) but I will surely explore Contenta later for my own personnal project, it seem to be well tought.