Originally posted by **GunnarQuante** August 25, 2023
For some weeks I am trying to change the fuel used on a fleet/list of flights from JetA to a SAFBlend. I have a fleet of e.g., 100 flights and would like to run Cocip on them once with JetA and once with a 100% SAFBlend. When I loop through each flight in the fleet, change the fuel and run Cocip on each flight individually, the overall contrail EF changes. This is not the case if I change the fuel for the entire fleet. In this case, the overal contrail EF of the JetA run to the SAFBlend run is identical. To reduce computational time, I am looking for a way to run Cocip on the entire fleet:
def CoCiP_by_fuels(met, rad, flights_in, fuel):
# Use BADA3 for performance modelling
bada_model = BADAFlight(bada_priority=3)
params = {
"process_emissions": True,
"verbose_outputs": False,
"humidity_scaling": ConstantHumidityScaling(rhi_adj=0.98),
cocip = Cocip(met=met, rad=rad, params=params, aircraft_performance=bada_model)
Fleet = pycontrails.Fleet.from_seq(flights_in)
Fleet.fuel = SAFBlend(100)
return Fleet_out
Note that also the fuel_name changes from Fleet to Fleet_out. I suppose I am missing something here, but after quite some reading I still can't find a fix.
Discussed in https://github.com/contrailcirrus/pycontrails/discussions/84