coolbutuseless / narademos

Various demos using native rasters with the {nara} package
MIT License
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{nara} demos

Some example demos written using nara package

All code in this repository is licensed MIT


This is a recreation of an Atari-ST demo often referred to as ST-NICCC from the year 2000.

The demo plays 2 minutes of 3d animation. (the following is just a still image from the start of animation)

Audio/Video Playback

Testing out audio/video playback using {nara} and {governor}

For linux users, you will need to ensure you have portaudio installed (apt-get install portaudio19-dev) and also possibly re-install the {audio} package.

No audio on github README pages, so please download and run rick.R

Bubble Universe

Based on 'processing' code in a Tweet - by twitter user @yuruyurau` 12:31 PM · Feb 10, 2020

Flying Toasters

Logo bounce

Demos and explorations by others


tilebased is a procedurally generated forest with controllable hero character by Matt Dray