coralproject / ask

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Local deployment: where is the running ask instance? #158

Open lusy opened 7 years ago

lusy commented 7 years ago

Hi, I've been trying to set up a local instance for evaluation purposes. I followed the instructions on the installation guide, starting from step 5 (skipping the aws setup) and running the ./ script. However, I'm not really sure whether the instance is running and if at all at the end. How can I actually connect to it after finishing installation? Thx!

wyattjoh commented 7 years ago

For local installation, I Would recommend checking out the tool.

lusy commented 7 years ago

Well, it's the one I used. As said, I wasn't really sure where the then supposedly installed instance is running...

wyattjoh commented 7 years ago

It should be running in Docker if you followed the guide linked. Check which port is exposed by running docker ps to see the port bindings.

lusy commented 7 years ago

Mh, when I run docker ps I get following output:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                          COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
f3544eba1345        coralproject/elkhorn:release   "dockerize -templa..."   6 days ago          Up 5 hours          4444/tcp            askinstall0010linuxamd64_elkhorn_1
e4df3fc33164        coralproject/cay:release       "/assets/entrypoin..."   6 days ago          Up 5 hours          80/tcp              askinstall0010linuxamd64_cay_1

Is the issue my lack of experience which led to unfavorable port configuration (i.e. selection of port 80)? Or have I misconfigured something else as well?

wyattjoh commented 7 years ago

Try re-running the ask-install app to generate your docker-compose.yml file. Once done, you can run docker-compose up -d to start those services.

lusy commented 7 years ago

Done. Output of docker ps is now:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                             COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
35dff51b9983        coralproject/cay:release          "/assets/entrypoin..."   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        80/tcp              askinstall0010linuxamd64_cay_1
e74e96e76c61        coralproject/elkhorn:release      "dockerize -templa..."   6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        4444/tcp            askinstall0010linuxamd64_elkhorn_1
00797dd48e76        coralproject/askd:release         "/askd"                  6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        16181/tcp           askinstall0010linuxamd64_askd_1
da1675ce795a        coralproject/coral-auth:release   "npm start"              6 minutes ago       Up 6 minutes        5000/tcp            askinstall0010linuxamd64_auth_1
25e78a3f2664        mongo:3.2                         "docker-entrypoint..."   7 days ago          Up 6 minutes        27017/tcp           askinstall0010linuxamd64_auth-mongo_1
da2fb498e110        mongo:3.2                         "docker-entrypoint..."   7 days ago          Up 6 minutes        27017/tcp           askinstall0010linuxamd64_shelf-mongo_1

Which looks better than before.. but what I still don't get is, how can I now access the running instance? Calling localhost in the browser doesn't work on any of the listed ports..

elastic10 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I've the same problem when trying to acces to my local instance with Ask_0.0.10_linux_amd64. Thanks!

wyattjoh commented 6 years ago

IT doesn't look like Caddy is being included there, that's the server that will serve the Ask instance.

kenara commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem as @lusy and @elastic10 above. My looks essentially the same.

Running sudo docker-compose up -d includes the following output: Starting ask-install_0010_linux_amd64_caddy_1 ... done but caddy does not seem to be running.

I've tried with or without SSL.