Open erictarrence opened 1 week ago
Because isn't there build/main.wasm file in coraza-proxy-wasm version 0.5.0 I can't build coraza-proxy-was image
podman build -t . WARN[0000] missing "BASE_IMAGE" build argument. Try adding "--build-arg BASE_IMAGE=<VALUE>" to the command line STEP 1/2: FROM scratch STEP 2/2: COPY build/main.wasm /plugin.wasm Error: error building at STEP "COPY build/main.wasm /plugin.wasm": checking on sources under "/data/git/coraza-proxy-wasm-0.5.0": copier: stat: "/build/main.wasm": no such file or directory /data/git/coraza-proxy-wasm-0.5.0$ ls CODEOWNERS Dockerfile e2e example ftw go.mod go.sum init_tinygo.go internal LICENSE lifecycle_multiphase_test.go magefiles mage.go main.go main_test.go rule_option.go rule_option_multiphase.go wasmplugin
Because isn't there build/main.wasm file in coraza-proxy-wasm version 0.5.0 I can't build coraza-proxy-was image