corteva / rioxarray

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overview_level failing in xarray with engine='rasterio' due to missing doc? #755

Closed rsignell closed 2 months ago

rsignell commented 3 months ago

I use the awesome overview_level parameter in rioxarray all the time to explore big COG images before analysis. I just recently tried using it with the invocation from xarray (with engine='rasterio') and it surprised me when it failed with:

TypeError: RasterioBackend.open_dataset() got an unexpected keyword argument 'overview_level'

Here's a MRE:

import xarray as xr
import rioxarray as rxr

https_url = ''

da = rxr.open_rasterio(https_url, overview_level=6)   # works

ds = xr.open_dataset(https_url, engine='rasterio', backend_kwargs=dict(overview_level=6))  # doesn't work

I'm raising the issue here instead of on xarray repo because it seems perhaps the problem is that overview_level argument seems undocumented in the method: and only exists in the documentation in the COG example here:

Forgive me if I've got this all wrong! 🙃

snowman2 commented 3 months ago

You have to use open_kwargs. See:

rsignell commented 3 months ago

Yep, so this works:

import xarray as xr

https_url = ''

ds = xr.open_dataset(https_url, 

thanks @snowman2 !