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Team Update Week 6 #33

Closed JulianPetersIsCoding closed 2 months ago

JulianPetersIsCoding commented 2 months ago

Note this issue replaces the teammeeting. When you read this issue, assign a problem to yourself and create a new issue. Comment oke if you read the issues below.

To do's following the grading requirements:

  1. Repo Overview:

    • In the README the .Rhistory is not needed when talking about the repo structure, furthermore when those files are saved in those environments this needs to be deleted with the .gitignore file, hence the .gitignore file needs to be improved; (DONE -I)
    • We could add our github account names to improve professionality in the README under autors. (DONE -I)
    • We need to test the instructions that we provide on the github, so that someone with 0 experience can use our repository;
  2. Data prep & Analysis:

    • (2.1) The markdown called Data_Deployment.Rmd is still empty. In this file we need to create a professional report. In this report we should state what we research in short, how we dit it in short, followed by the regression output visualized and then followed by a clear conclusion and recommendation to our target audience #FLEUR & TARA#;
    • (2.2) In Data_Preparation.R The cleaned_data.R file is created twice, code cleanup is needed. Also watch the write.csv/write_csv difference, because this is needed for speed; #Julian#
    • (2.2) Data_analysis.R Has useless lines of code on line 1 to 3, delete this. #Julian#
    • (2.2) Data_Extraction.R Has useless lines of code on line 1 to 3, delete this. #Julian#
    • (2.2) The file Data_Extraction.R uses a repetative way of extracting/creating the needed csv files. Build a function where you can specify the name and saving location and only need to input the url; #Julian#
    • (2.3) The saving location of the Data_Deployment.Rmd file output is wrong, it is saved in the SRC file. The new saving location needs to be Gen/Paper/Output. #Julian#
  3. Source code & Automation:

    • 3.1 Done correctly; #Julian#
    • 3.2 Done correctly. #Julian#
irisverzijl commented 2 months ago

Additional to do's:

JulianPetersIsCoding commented 2 months ago

Hey @irisverzijl,

About your third bullet, the provided structure by Hannes is correctly used. Notice that we create a separate data and gen file. Except for the saving location of the Data_Deployment.Rmd file is no location defined as mentioned above.

Kind regards, Julian Peters

JulianPetersIsCoding commented 2 months ago

I will do the following tasks: (2.2) Data_analysis.R Has useless lines of code on line 1 to 3, delete this. (2.2) Data_Extraction.R Has useless lines of code on line 1 to 3, delete this. (2.2) The file Data_Extraction.R uses a repetative way of extracting/creating the needed csv files. Build a function where you can specify the name and saving location and only need to input the url; (2.3) The saving location of the Data_Deployment.Rmd file output is wrong, it is saved in the SRC file. The new saving location needs to be Gen/Paper/Output.

JulianPetersIsCoding commented 2 months ago

Done aswell: (2.2) In Data_Preparation.R The cleaned_data.R file is created twice, code cleanup is needed. Also watch the write.csv/write_csv difference, because this is needed for speed; (2.2) in Data_Exploration.R Wrote a function that does the exploration, to prevent repetition in code.

JulianPetersIsCoding commented 2 months ago

All the issues provided above are completed, except:

This will be added to our sprint this week. Because of the team meeting 8/10 I will close this issue and will provide a new team update to have that as a meeting agenda.

Kind regards, Julian Peters