Closed JulianPetersIsCoding closed 2 months ago
Additional to do's:
Hey @irisverzijl,
About your third bullet, the provided structure by Hannes is correctly used. Notice that we create a separate data and gen file. Except for the saving location of the Data_Deployment.Rmd file is no location defined as mentioned above.
Kind regards, Julian Peters
I will do the following tasks: (2.2) Data_analysis.R Has useless lines of code on line 1 to 3, delete this. (2.2) Data_Extraction.R Has useless lines of code on line 1 to 3, delete this. (2.2) The file Data_Extraction.R uses a repetative way of extracting/creating the needed csv files. Build a function where you can specify the name and saving location and only need to input the url; (2.3) The saving location of the Data_Deployment.Rmd file output is wrong, it is saved in the SRC file. The new saving location needs to be Gen/Paper/Output.
Done aswell: (2.2) In Data_Preparation.R The cleaned_data.R file is created twice, code cleanup is needed. Also watch the write.csv/write_csv difference, because this is needed for speed; (2.2) in Data_Exploration.R Wrote a function that does the exploration, to prevent repetition in code.
All the issues provided above are completed, except:
This will be added to our sprint this week. Because of the team meeting 8/10 I will close this issue and will provide a new team update to have that as a meeting agenda.
Kind regards, Julian Peters
Note this issue replaces the teammeeting. When you read this issue, assign a problem to yourself and create a new issue. Comment oke if you read the issues below.
To do's following the grading requirements:
Repo Overview:
Data prep & Analysis:
Source code & Automation: