covid-alert-ny / covid-green-app

Covid Alert NY - React-Native App
Apache License 2.0
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[DESIGN ONLY] Consider how to scale the Resources section in Settings #343

Open ahurworth opened 4 years ago

ahurworth commented 4 years ago

If we want to add "Learn how to keep others safe", "How to find a test" and the call number to reach the NYS Hotline, how would we scale the items in the Settings screen? And... would we continue to call it Settings? NOTE: we are referring to "App Settings" in some of the copy during some of the error states. "Settings + Info" might work better than "More" as a tab label for instance if we consider the readability of copy. Compare: "to fix [xyz], go to App Settings and do [abc]" with "to fix [xyz], go to More and do [abc]".

helloantoine commented 4 years ago

What's the driver for this requirement please? Yes we can stack more content in the 'app settings'. As you flag it, it becomes less and less of settings, and more of free for all bucket.

As you know, we have tried as much as possible to keep the information contextual (tested positive info is within the COVID alert section... ). But if there's a need to make all the information related to COVID, the technology and else accessible from one single place I would put it in a dedicate section called Questions and Answers. Maybe bring a new icon beside the share that would be for settings. And replace the tab settings by the FAQ one.

I love the one from the french government:

  1. How does the app work?
  2. We hear it requires a 60% efficiency to work : Isnt' it hopeless to reach these levels of adoption?
  3. How will people without smartphone do or if they are not comfortable with technology?
  4. How is this different from a location tracking application?
  5. Does the application work abroad?
  6. Is the app going to drain my battery?
  7. How is the app impacting on the fight against the virus?
  8. What will the app become after the pandemic?
  9. Who's driving the project and who stores the data? ...
helloantoine commented 4 years ago

@fahd-arshad @ahurworth Minimum viable option. A link that opens up a WebView to the microsite: Screenshot 2020-09-16 at 17 08 01