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Number of US states are missing deaths/tested #398

Closed jzohrab closed 4 years ago

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

Original issue, transferred here on Friday Mar 27, 2020 at 06:58 GMT

States with reported deaths that are not in today's data:

Compared to

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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And tested I think as well.

In the report.json for NY I see:


but in byLocation.json, I see:

      "2020-3-26": {
        "cases": 37258,
        "growthFactor": 1.209243452013891

Same for Texas

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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They're also reported with aggregation: "county". I think they're deduped against counties because all those states have both county and state with that name.

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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@lazd sorry to poke you, but I think this is pretty severe and I'd like to make sure it doesn't escape your attention before the next update. Can you mark it with appropriate labels?

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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No worries @zbraniecki. As part of #410, I will try to get tested data back via COVIDTracking. That said, I don't think we can get deaths unless we have it somewhere.

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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COVIDTracking has deaths for those states:

Will that also fix it?

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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And #410 seems to be about combining data from two sources. My suspicion is that this bug is about two sources for two different things (county vs. state) ending up conflated as two sources of the same thing and the county one wins.

Here's what's in report.json for "NY, USA":

      "NY, USA": [
          "country": "USA",
          "url": "",
          "type": "json",
          "curators": [
              "name": "The COVID Tracking Project",
              "url": "",
              "twitter": "@COVID19Tracking",
              "github": "COVID19Tracking"
          "aggregate": "state",
          "priority": -0.5,
          "timeseries": false,
          "headless": false,
          "certValidation": true,
          "state": "NY",
          "deaths": 385,
          "tested": 122104,
          "cases": 37258,
          "ssl": true,
          "rating": 0.49019607843137253
          "state": "NY",
          "country": "USA",
          "type": "table",
          "aggregate": "county",
          "timeseries": false,
          "headless": false,
          "certValidation": true,
          "priority": 0,
          "url": "",
          "cases": 37258,
          "ssl": true,
          "rating": 0.3137254901960784

I think this is a different thing than #410. - mainly, those counties should not be conflated with states. and "NY, USA" should be a state and collect state data.

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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No, those counties cases are rolled up into state totals, which is exactly what we want to do. However, testing numbers aren't being reported on a per-county basis, so they're not getting rolled up.

So what we want to do is take our rolled up case numbers and take COVIDTracking's testing numbers, which is what #410 is about.

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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Just as another data point, I'm still seeing deaths == nan for all of NY state and city.

# omitted: load `df` from `timeseries.csv`, parse dates, drop lat/lon/url columns
>> usall = df[(df["country"] == "USA")]
>> usall[(usall.deaths.notnull()) & (usall.deaths>0)].state.unique()
array(['WA', 'CA', 'MA', 'GA', 'FL', 'NJ', 'OR', 'IL', 'PA', 'IA', 'NC',
       'SC', 'IN', 'KY', 'NV', 'OH', 'WI', 'CT', 'HI', 'OK', 'UT', 'KS',
       'LA', 'MO', 'VT', 'AR', 'ID', 'ME', 'MI', 'MS', 'NM', 'ND', 'SD',
       'CO', nan, 'VA', 'DC', 'AL', 'PR', 'GU', 'AK', 'MN'], dtype=object)

(Personally I'm less interested in tested, except to the extent that it's caused by the same underlying issue... reports on number tested have been inconsistent across most aggregators; cases+deaths have been more reliable).

Also, thanks for putting this dataset together; I've been lurking for a while and am impressed with the work y'all're putting in. Unfortunately I just migrated the daily updates I send to friends and family on cases+deaths (in the states we live in) to use this timeseries data; bad timing I guess :)

Good luck with the fix, and thanks again!

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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@mvanmidd we don't have a source for deaths in NY on a per-county basis:

NYC only notes deaths for the entire city:

We can pull deaths for NYC from the daily update PDF, but we're out of luck for the rest of the New York counties. Until we implement #410, we won't be pulling deaths for NY state either, unfortunately.

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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Gotcha, thanks for the update. #410 seems like a big one, good luck! y'all are going to have a fully featured generic/configurable ETL framework pretty soon :)

In all seriousness, I think the auditable data aggregation is the biggest strength of this project... there's plenty of fronted work going on elsewhere (e.g. the explosion of "babby's first plotly visualizations," including my own), and on the backend, lots of data sources that are either incomplete or opaque. Keep up the good work!

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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For US state/county data, how about NYT repo: ?

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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@cristipp - good find. I haven't looked at the actual data, but the README is encouraging.

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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Rows: 1884
Columns: date, state, fips, cases, deaths
    {date: '2020-03-01', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '1', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-02', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '1', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-03', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '2', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-04', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '11', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-05', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '22', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-06', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '44', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-07', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '89', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-08', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '106', deaths: '0'},
    {date: '2020-03-09', state: 'New York', fips: '36', cases: '142', deaths: '0'},

And for county level:

    {date: '2020-03-28', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '195', deaths: '1'},
    {date: '2020-03-29', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '205', deaths: '1'},
    {date: '2020-03-30', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '217', deaths: '1'},
    {date: '2020-03-31', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '226', deaths: '1'},
    {date: '2020-04-01', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '240', deaths: '2'},
    {date: '2020-04-02', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '253', deaths: '2'},
    {date: '2020-04-03', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '267', deaths: '4'},
    {date: '2020-04-04', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '293', deaths: '6'},
    {date: '2020-04-05', county: 'Albany', state: 'New York', fips: '36001', cases: '305', deaths: '8'},
    {date: '2020-04-01', county: 'Allegany', state: 'New York', fips: '36003', cases: '10', deaths: '1'},

They also have NYC as a separate entry [empty fips]:

{date: '2020-03-14', county: 'New York City', state: 'New York', fips: '', cases: '269', deaths: '1'},
    {date: '2020-03-15', county: 'New York City', state: 'New York', fips: '', cases: '330', deaths: '5'},
    {date: '2020-03-16', county: 'New York City', state: 'New York', fips: '', cases: '464', deaths: '7'},
    {date: '2020-03-17', county: 'New York City', state: 'New York', fips: '', cases: '645', deaths: '10'},
    {date: '2020-03-18', county: 'New York City', state: 'New York', fips: '', cases: '1339', deaths: '20'},
    {date: '2020-03-19', county: 'New York City', state: 'New York', fips: '', cases: '2468', deaths: '22'},
jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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That looks encouraging, @lazd what do you think? @cristipp, do you feel you could take a shot at writing a scraper for this data?

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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I'd be happy to. Though I see it already appearing in the for many [all?] counties. Perhaps you don't have it for state-level data?

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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Oh, I found NY at state level too: It appears the scrapper prefers the arcgis dataset for some reason.

FWIW, looks like most recent data + deaths + tested for iso2:US-NY is coming from, see

  cases deaths tested recovered 130689 - 320811 - 130689 4758 320811 - 122911 3483 - - 131815 4389 - -
jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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I believe that @hyperknot has closed out this issue by upping the priority of the covidtracking scraper. @cristipp, what's your feeling?

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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Good to have the state level data fixed. We're still lacking county level data for NY fatalities [0].

The county level fatalities can be pulled from NYT [1] or USAFacts [2], with the quirk that NYT sums the 5 counties of NYC together. Also note these sources don't report 'tested', which CoronaDataScraper does.

    [0] coronadatascraper: [
        {key: 'US-NY', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 257216, tested: 669982, deaths: 15302},
        {key: 'US-NY-Queens County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 43713, tested: 88388, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-Kings County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 38481, tested: 81787, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-Nassau County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 31555, tested: 74571, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-Bronx County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 30868, tested: 65304, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-Suffolk County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 28854, tested: 71268, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-Westchester County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 25276, tested: 76564, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-New York County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 19025, tested: 49687, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-Richmond County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 10345, tested: 26289, deaths: undefined},
        {key: 'US-NY-Rockland County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 9699, tested: 23150, deaths: undefined},
        ... 53 more
    [1] nyt: [
        {key: 'US-NY', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 257246, deaths: 15302},
        {key: 'US-NY-New York City', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 142442, deaths: 10614},
        {key: 'US-NY-Nassau', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 31555, deaths: 1764},
        {key: 'US-NY-Suffolk', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 28854, deaths: 959},
        {key: 'US-NY-Westchester', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 25275, deaths: 932},
        {key: 'US-NY-Rockland', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 9699, deaths: 309},
        {key: 'US-NY-Orange', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 6705, deaths: 183},
        {key: 'US-NY-Dutchess', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 2391, deaths: 57},
        {key: 'US-NY-Erie', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 2233, deaths: 174},
        {key: 'US-NY-Monroe', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 1112, deaths: 72},
        ... 50 more
  [2] usafacts: [
        {key: 'US-NY-Queens County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 43713, deaths: 3432},
        {key: 'US-NY-Kings County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 38481, deaths: 3458},
        {key: 'US-NY-Nassau County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 31555, deaths: 1431},
        {key: 'US-NY-Bronx County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 31130, deaths: 2258},
        {key: 'US-NY-Suffolk County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 28854, deaths: 926},
        {key: 'US-NY-Westchester County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 25276, deaths: 838},
        {key: 'US-NY-New York County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 19025, deaths: 1337},
        {key: 'US-NY-Richmond County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 10405, deaths: 492},
        {key: 'US-NY-Rockland County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 9699, deaths: 334},
        {key: 'US-NY-Orange County', date: '2020-04-22', cases: 6690, deaths: 185},
        ... 54 more
jzohrab commented 4 years ago

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Hi @cristipp - getting back to this one after a long delay!

The reports from Li at merge data sources by priority. If a lower-priority source supplies a data point that no higher-pri source has, that value is preserved, and we also give the final source selected for each data point (see timeseries-byLocation.json). I believe we're doing what you've suggested.

I believe this issue can be closed -- thoughts?

jzohrab commented 4 years ago

Dupe of