cp6 / my-idlers

Web app for displaying, organizing and storing information about servers (VPS), shared hosting, reseller hosting, domains and more.
MIT License
213 stars 30 forks source link

May remove the "Add a YABs" button on servers page #72

Closed kerm-me closed 1 year ago

kerm-me commented 1 year ago

Since yabs/create return 404 now, It is a little confusing.

cp6 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, good find!

kerm-me commented 1 year ago

There is another add a YABs link on individual server page. If possible, I perfer to pop-up a modal when click it, just like:

run this script on your server to add a yabs
`curl -sL yabs.sh | bash -s -- -s "URL/api/yabs/SERVERID/APIKEY"`

with the URL、SERVERID、APIKEY are autoreplaced by the custom information.

cp6 commented 1 year ago


