In Android, where I use _ContextSamplingPackage.CURRENTLOCATION the location gets adapted after a while. On iOS, where I use ContextSamplingPackage.LOCATION, it does not adapt and the weather report is always on Copenhagen.
If there is no real location, the weather report should give nothing
_lastKnownLocation should also work with ContextSamplingPackage.LOCATION or even without location package
Weather data (ContextSamplingPackage.WEATHER) is always collected on the following location on iOS:
I/flutter (24464): "latitude": 55.7944, I/flutter (24464): "longitude": 12.4463,
This is because in location_manager.dart _lastKnownLocation is initialized as
Location _lastKnownLocation = Location(latitude: 55.7944, longitude: 12.4463);
In Android, where I use _ContextSamplingPackage.CURRENTLOCATION the location gets adapted after a while. On iOS, where I use ContextSamplingPackage.LOCATION, it does not adapt and the weather report is always on Copenhagen.