cplane-networks / dvnd-juju

Juju Charms installation of DVNd
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============================================================= 2016-05-24

This is the initial version of the neutro-api-cplane and neutron-openvswitch-cplane charm. The teting of the charms with openstach bundle is not done yet, but verified all the configuration that needs to be done in the neutron and nova files are verified.

============================================================= 2016-05-26

This contain the fix for juju-upgrade issue for neutron-openvswicth-cplane charm. The issue was, at the time of deploying a br-ext interface is created. But during upgrade its trying to create it again and it fails there. So before upgrade it should clear the br-ext interface and then upgrade the charm.

Also the new configuration that needs to be added to the nova-compute node is implemented.

Add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf

net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 0 net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 0 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1

run command to load kernel values

sudo sysctl -p

============================================================= 2016-06-14

Added the OGR compute charm and modified the bundle file to include this charm and add the relations. Also moddified some of the hooks name in neutron-api-cplane and neutron-openvswitch-plane charms.

============================================================= 2016-06-22

Added the support for generating the interface file in the OVS.

============================================================= 2016-06-24

Enable the security-group in the configuration file for neutron-api-cplane. Added the code for db migration after installation of Cplane neutron plugin

============================================================= 2016-06-30

Added a new yaml file for bundle deployment "ceph_controller_cumpute_nodes.yaml" command: juju deploy ceph_controller_cumpute_nodes.yaml

This bundle deployment file will deploy the ceph related service in one nodes, compute services in another nodes and all other Openstack related service like neutron glance, keystone etc in a separate node.

============================================================= 2016-07-06

Modified the content of the Copyright and README file. Also ran a charm-proof command to verified the charms before submitting it to canonical

charm-proof's output rebaca@juju:~/charms/trusty$ rebaca@juju:~/charms/trusty$ charm-proof neutron-api-cplane/ I: missing recommended hook start I: missing recommended hook stop rebaca@juju:~/charms/trusty$ charm-proof neutron-openvswitch-cplane/ I: missing recommended hook start I: missing recommended hook stop rebaca@juju:~/charms/trusty$ charm-proof ogr-compute-cplane/ I: missing recommended hook start I: missing recommended hook stop I: config.yaml: option flat-network-providers has no default value

============================================================= 2016-07-18

Modified the charms as per Charles review.