cpressey / NaOpGenMo

National Opera Generation Month: spend (what's left of) the month of November writing code that generates a 2.5+ hour long opera.
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NaOpGenMo is (technically) over! #5

Open cpressey opened 9 years ago

cpressey commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I've been a bit behind in adminning this thing. It's over now! It was over on midnight Nov 30th. New entries will not be accepted, but anyone who's not finished yet (which means @moonmilk, I suppose) can still submit an entry before midnight Dec 15th.*

This year we had about 3 participants and 2 completed-in-time entries, compared to 0 and 0 last year. If we assume this NaN% year-on-year growth continues, by 2024 we will have generated NaN operas!

Not bad for something which escaped from an aesthetico-philosophical wormhole inside the Hollow Earth, springing fully-formed from NaNoGenMo like an Athena from Zeus' forehead!

*Late entries will get a "late" tag, which is a mark of great shame in some cultures, but in other cultures it is highly coveted in a kind of twisted way, I mean, never ever in the history of our civilization has there ever been a NaOpGenMo entry with a "late" tag, wouldn't it be something crazy wild to be the FIRST?