cqfn / aibolit

Static Analyzer for Java Code with Machine Learning in Mind
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Require minimum score #463

Open g4s8 opened 4 years ago

g4s8 commented 4 years ago

Aibolit would be more useful if project can control the minimum score to include CLI into build pipeline. I'd suggest adding additional configuration parameter to require minimum score instead of zero to fail the build, e.g. aibolit --min-score=5 exits with ok=0 if score <= 5, and fail (exit status 1) if > 5.

0crat commented 4 years ago

@acheshkov/z please, pay attention to this issue

lyriccoder commented 4 years ago

This is another way to get rid of such behaviour. Now we can just ignore pattern for function or class. Should we implement it? @yegor256 @acheshkov Seems we have solved it with @SuppressWarning feature