first of all, Great job for this provider, it's very usefull. I'am trying to consume my Odata stream from Excel and power query but I have a problem when I try to sort.
In excel powerquery, when I clic on a field header to sort the Dataset, it crashes with this error :
501 Not Implemented Exception
Details : http://myserver.com/MongoData.svc/log?$skiptoken='54914ccc967a5d46ae5c9ca8'
If I copy url and paste it in my browser I have a lot more details :
<error xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2007/08/dataservices/metadata"><message xml:lang="fr-FR">Not Implemented</message><innererror><message>Unable to determine the serialization information for the expression:
DataServiceProviderMethods.Compare(element.Id, "54914ccc967a5d46ae5c9ca8").</message>
<type>System.NotSupportedException</type><stacktrace> at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.Utils.BsonSerializationInfoFinder.GetSerializationInfo(Expression node, Dictionary`2 serializationInfoCache)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildComparisonQuery(Expression variableExpression, ExpressionType operatorType, ConstantExpression constantExpression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildQuery(Expression expression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildOrElseQuery(BinaryExpression binaryExpression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildQuery(Expression expression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildQuery(Expression expression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildQuery(Expression expression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildOrElseQuery(BinaryExpression binaryExpression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.PredicateTranslator.BuildQuery(Expression expression)
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.SelectQuery.Execute()
at MongoDB.Driver.Linq.MongoQueryable`1.System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
at System.Data.Services.WebUtil.GetRequestEnumerator(IEnumerable enumerable) </stacktrace></innererror></error>
I haven't looked at this codebase in a while. It would appear that some field is getting used that we don't know about. I'll have to take a deeper look when I get some time.
Hi, first of all, Great job for this provider, it's very usefull. I'am trying to consume my Odata stream from Excel and power query but I have a problem when I try to sort.
In excel powerquery, when I clic on a field header to sort the Dataset, it crashes with this error :
If I copy url and paste it in my browser I have a lot more details :
Any idea?
Thank you!