crate-archive / crate-site

OBSOLETE, SEE, crate.web, and crate.pypi
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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add display count favorites for the package #64

Closed saippuakauppias closed 12 years ago

dstufft commented 12 years ago

I need to think about this a little bit.

While in general I do want the ability for users to mark a package and then a count to be displayed I'm torn on if there should be a separate 'Favorites' which is a private only bookmark kind of item, and then a 'watch' which will display how many and who is watching a particular project, and then also generate an activity stream, RSS feed etc for each user based off their watched projects.

saippuakauppias commented 12 years ago

This will add a rating for the packages and competitive component. At djangopackages can see how many people voted for a particular package - it helps to choose the best of several.

Sorry for bad English.

dstufft commented 12 years ago

Oh I completely agree that Crate needs something like that.

The question in my mind, is. Should Favorites be the rating, or should a system that i've been planning to add to allow people to "Watch" a project for new updates to it be used (similar to Github) and should Favorites remain a private only thing.