Has the release executable (.dll/.exe/.so/linux executable) from driver project CI Build Script, and from all projects on babel.
Having them all together simplifies the build/run process, instead of manually copying the needed DLLs from one folder to build folder every time the build folder is created/recreated.
./lib folder:
Has the release library (.lib/.a) from driver project CI Build Script, and from all projects on babel.
Sub-project build, e.g. ug_ex:
Only the release build (.dll/.exe/.so/linux executable) is built and copied to ./bin by the CI Babel Build Action.
Only the release library (.lib/.a) is built and copied to ./lib by the CI Babel Build Action.
When supporting both Linux & Windows, the build is done via CMakeLists.txt.
When supporting Windows only, the build is done via a Visutal Studio project.
No x64 any more in the folders paths/files names/readme (except for the driver library name), as all are x64 now after dropping x86.
Use lib<xyz>.a/.so in Linux with lib prefix.
All projects, including user guide example, are built and saved into ./bin and ./lib on the repository.
Update readme for the new API
Add sample call for the API in the user guide example.
DEV-174 Organize structure and cleanup
by the CI Babel Build Action../lib
by the CI Babel Build Action.CMakeLists.txt
any more in the folders paths/files names/readme (except for the driver library name), as all are x64 now after dropping x86.lib<xyz>.a/.so
in Linux withlib
on the repository.DEV-163