crossplane-contrib / provider-keycloak

Apache License 2.0
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Unable to reference built-in objects #74

Closed daniel-palmer-gu closed 20 hours ago

daniel-palmer-gu commented 4 months ago

Is there a way to reference built-in objects other than through a id? It does not appear provider-keycloak provides a good way to reference built-in objects.

For example, if I want to give a user admin permissions to a realm via a client role on the realm-management client, there is no good way of referencing that role. Technically, provider-keycloak can reference it if you go to Keycloak and find the role id. However, that is inconvenient and prevents automating this type of action.

It would be nice if provider-keycloak could be given the role/client role name within Keycloak as a reference. This would be convenient for other built-in objects as well.

It looks like this is something #71 is trying to accomplish as well.

Breee commented 3 months ago

Hmmm, in the current terraform provider not i guess.

i think you could import the realm-management role and set it's ManagementPolicy to "Observe": see:

or with deletionPolicy: Orphan

Then you can just reference it by k8s object

daniel-palmer-gu commented 3 months ago

Are there any examples of importing a resource? Not sure I am tracking how to accomplish that.

I think the feature I am looking for is the equivalent of data sources in terraform. For my example, I would want to be able to use a role data source to find the role by name and retrieve the id for use with other resources.

Breee commented 3 months ago

Yeah here: it's important that you set managementPolicies: ["Observe"] - else crossplane will rip everything apart if you delete your imported ressources

smoehrle commented 3 months ago

In addition: there is also this open issue for crossplane which might be the feature you're asking for:

daniel-palmer-gu commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the quick replies!

I'll play around with importing resources and see if that gets me where I need to be. Assuming I find a solution, I'll write back with an example solution in case someone else is wanting to do the same.

daniel-palmer-gu commented 3 months ago

So in order to import a client role, I must first know the client id. Unfortunately, I can't import built-in clients as to do so also requires the client id.

For example, if I attempt to import the realm-management client on a realm I created called test-realm, the client can't be found. Using the following to import the Client:

kind: Client
  annotations: test-realm/realm-management
  name: realm-management
  forProvider: {}
    name: "non-default-config"
  managementPolicies: ["Observe"]

Results in the following status:

  atProvider: {}                                                                                                                                                                               
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-03-11T17:18:19Z"                                                                                                                                                 
    message: "observe failed: cannot run import: \e[0m\e[1mkeycloak_openid_client.realm-management:                                                                                            
      Importing from ID \"test-realm/realm-management\"...\e[0m\n\e[31m\e[31m╷\e[0m\e[0m\n\e[31m│\e[0m                                                                                         
      \e[0m\e[1m\e[31mError: \e[0m\e[0m\e[1merror sending GET request to REDACTED/REDACTED/realms/test-realm/clients/realm-management:                                                         
      404 Not Found. Response body: {\"error\":\"Could not find client\"}\e[0m\n\e[31m│\e[0m                                                                                                   
      \e[0m\n\e[31m│\e[0m \e[0m\e[0m\n\e[31m╵\e[0m\e[0m\n\e[0m\e[0m\n: import failed"                                                                                                          
    reason: ReconcileError                                                                                                                                                                     
    status: "False"                                                                                                                                                                            
    type: Synced 

However, If I provide the client id in the import, it works as expected:

kind: Client
  annotations: test-realm/75291e36-a704-49a7-b471-a211cf8c2adf
  name: realm-management
  forProvider: {}
    name: "non-default-provider"
  managementPolicies: ["Observe"]

resulting in:

    accessTokenLifespan: ""                                                                                                                                                                    
    accessType: BEARER-ONLY                                                                                                                                                                    
    adminUrl: ""                                                                                                                                                                               
    backchannelLogoutRevokeOfflineSessions: false                                                                                                                                              
    backchannelLogoutSessionRequired: false                                                                                                                                                    
    backchannelLogoutUrl: ""                                                                                                                                                                   
    baseUrl: ""                                                                                                                                                                                
    clientAuthenticatorType: client-secret                                                                                                                                                     
    clientId: realm-management                                                                                                                                                                 
    clientOfflineSessionIdleTimeout: ""                                                                                                                                                        
    clientOfflineSessionMaxLifespan: ""                                                                                                                                                        
    clientSessionIdleTimeout: ""                                                                                                                                                               
    clientSessionMaxLifespan: ""                                                                                                                                                               
    consentRequired: false                                                                                                                                                                     
    consentScreenText: ""                                                                                                                                                                      
    description: ""                                                                                                                                                                            
    directAccessGrantsEnabled: false                                                                                                                                                           
    displayOnConsentScreen: false                                                                                                                                                              
    enabled: true                                                                                                                                                                              
    frontchannelLogoutEnabled: false                                                                                                                                                           
    frontchannelLogoutUrl: ""                                                                                                                                                                  
    fullScopeAllowed: false                                                                                                                                                                    
    id: 75291e36-a704-49a7-b471-a211cf8c2adf                                                                                                                                                   
    implicitFlowEnabled: false                                                                                                                                                                 
    import: false                                                                                                                                                                              
    loginTheme: ""                                                                                                                                                                             
    name: ${client_realm-management}                                                                                                                                                           
    oauth2DeviceAuthorizationGrantEnabled: false                                                                                                                                               
    oauth2DeviceCodeLifespan: ""                                                                                                                                                               
    oauth2DevicePollingInterval: ""                                                                                                                                                            
    realmId: test-realm                                                                                                                                                                        
    rootUrl: ""                                                                                                                                                                                
    serviceAccountUserId: ""                                                                                                                                                                   
    serviceAccountsEnabled: false                                                                                                                                                              
    standardFlowEnabled: true                                                                                                                                                                  
    useRefreshTokens: false                                                                                                                                                                    
    useRefreshTokensClientCredentials: false                                                                                                                                                   
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-03-11T17:25:03Z"                                                                                                                                                 
    reason: ReconcileSuccess                                                                                                                                                                   
    status: "True"                                                                                                                                                                             
    type: Synced                                                                                                                                                                               
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-03-11T17:25:04Z"                                                                                                                                                 
    reason: Available                                                                                                                                                                          
    status: "True"                                                                                                                                                                             
    type: Ready 
Breee commented 3 months ago

Hm i guess you need the client-id.

You can extract that when you open your client in keycloak copy it from the URL.

where 707b5c15-bf19-457e-9a7c-9be41f74dda9 would be the id you search.

Can you check if it works for you with the client-id?

Sadly that's how keycloak does it. sometimes you reference things by name / sometime you reference it by a uuid. would be cool to write a wrapper around that to enable selecting stuff by readable names


Screenshot from 2024-03-11 19-27-45

kind: Client
  annotations: "master/152d4b09-aaf8-414a-8649-63976cc01af2"
  name: admin-cli
  forProvider: {}
    name: "keycloak-provider-config"
  managementPolicies: ["Observe"]
k get client
NAME        READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                                 AGE
admin-cli   True    True     master/152d4b09-aaf8-414a-8649-63976cc01af2   9m19s
daniel-palmer-gu commented 3 months ago

If a wrapper seems feasible, that would be awesome.

There are two alternatives I can think of that go outside of provider-keycloak:

  1. Using composite functions to lookup the built-in objects (was a suggestion in @smoehrle's linked issue)
  2. Importing a realm into Keycloak (via UI or init scripts) which allows the uuid of built-in objects to be known ahead of time
    1. This would mean I am not using provider-keycloak to create/manage the realm when I would prefer to.
    2. This would not be fun to manage if I had to provision and manage many realms
QuadmanSWE commented 2 months ago

Yeah here: it's important that you set managementPolicies: ["Observe"] - else crossplane will rip everything apart if you delete your imported ressources

I tried to create a client with observe managementpolicies but I get this error. I am running crossplane 1.15.1 with provider-keycloak v1.15.0. What did I miss when installing crossplane?

`spec.managementPolicies` is set to a non-default value but the feature is not enabled: [Observe]


Here is my realm and client by the way, I am trying to create a realm with a default user that is realm admin so that when someone asks for a new realm they can logon once as this user and then let them selves in with federation or something.

Realm shows up and works great, any user I create works too but I can't add realm-admin to them.

kind: Realm
  name: developers-realm
    realm: developers-realm
    enabled: true
    displayName: "Home of the Developers"
    name: keycloak-config
kind: Client
  name: realm-management
      name: developers-realm
    name: keycloak-config
  managementPolicies: ["Observe"]
QuadmanSWE commented 2 months ago

To answer my own question, this provider doesn't allow observe by default:

I could enable it by setting this envvar, for example by using a controllerconfig ref in the provider.

kind: ControllerConfig
  name: enable-management-policies-config
    - --enable-management-policies 


Breee commented 2 months ago

To answer my own question, this provider doesn't allow observe by default:

I could enable it by setting this envvar, for example by using a controllerconfig ref in the provider.

kind: ControllerConfig
  name: enable-management-policies-config
    - --enable-management-policies 


In release v0.16.0 management policies are now enabled by default - i think this makes sense for this provider

vladimirblahoz commented 2 months ago

Right now I am trying to attempt the exactly same thing - assign realm-management client roles to my service account. And if I understood correctly to achieve that I need:

Meaning the chicken-egg problem is real. I am really in a need to be able to automate everything, so looking up the built-in client's ID through the keycloak UI is a no-go and this starts to be quite problematic for me.

Breee commented 2 months ago

I agree, how the keycloak API / backend currently works is problematic for our usecases. There is two approaches that come to my mind:

@smoehrle do we have something ready to test this using composition functions?

Breee commented 2 months ago

Ok guys, i made a poc: which calls a composition function:

  1. XRD:
    kind: CompositeResourceDefinition
    name:  # required to be in the format <plural>.<group>
    kind: XBuiltinClients
    plural: xbuiltinclients
    - name: v1alpha1
    served: true
    referenceable: true
        type: object
            type: object
                type: string
                type: string
                type: string
                type: string
                type: string
            - realm
            - provider_config_name
            - url
            - username
            - password
        - spec
  2. Composition:
    kind: Composition
    name: keycloak-builtin-clients
    kind: XBuiltinClients
    mode: Pipeline
    - step: keycloak-builtin-clients
      name: function-keycloak-builtin-clients
  3. Function
    kind: Function
    name: function-keycloak-builtin-clients
    #  # This tells crossplane beta render to connect to the function locally.
    # Development
    # This is ignored when using the Development runtime.
    packagePullPolicy: Always
  4. XR
    kind: XBuiltinClients
    name: keycloak-builtin-clients
    realm: master
    provider_config_name: keycloak-provider-config
    username: admin
    password: admin

That generates me the clients:

$ k get clients
NAME                     READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                                 AGE
account                  True    True     master/d0721a8e-9b57-4b9e-ab1c-8122184fe932   6m9s
account-console          True    True     master/7288704c-dd24-486d-bf4b-c0d375075940   6m9s
admin-cli                True    True     master/47f56720-63fe-4270-8c50-9d6255a15c1c   6m9s
broker                   True    True     master/290085fe-f831-4eaa-bff3-4016923a2f3b   6m9s
master-realm             True    True     master/8ce939fe-01fd-4b3c-91ed-78d439a55f85   6m9s
security-admin-console   True    True     master/789bd109-35c5-42c3-9525-5e52f037e220   6m9s

Obviously this is not Production ready, as i for simplicity just passed in everything the function needs to talk to keycloak

Would something like that be okay for you to use?
Of course prettified / enhanced - as this just gets all current clients of a keycloak instance and imports them using external names. Optimally we just pass a list of builtin clients we want.

lmk and i'll provide something

QuadmanSWE commented 2 months ago

I will give this a try as soon as I can take the time. Very nice from the look of it.

QuadmanSWE commented 2 months ago

@Breee Not sure how to interpret the docs in the poc on gitlab but my guess is this is what I should run to be able to give it a try? crossplane xpkg install function

Or should I just deploy 1-4 in the examples and swap out the credentials? What would we then do to make this work with the crossplane keycloak provider so that we don't have to supply credentials at all?

QuadmanSWE commented 2 months ago

So I kind of get it to work but only for the master realm and only if I provide the root admin username and password. It syncs all the clients and they look good individually but the keycloak-buildin-clients Xbuildinclients doesn't flag as ready.

Name:         keycloak-builtin-clients
Annotations:  <none>
API Version:
Kind:         XBuiltinClients
  Creation Timestamp:  2024-04-21T10:11:24Z
  Generation:        4
  Resource Version:  10874
  UID:               d7c24563-4df2-410c-9e7b-332f8e4d1b77
  Composition Ref:
    Name:  keycloak-builtin-clients
  Composition Revision Ref:
    Name:                     keycloak-builtin-clients-08d0f48
  Composition Update Policy:  Automatic
  Password:                   somepw
  provider_config_name:       keycloak-config
  Realm:                      master
  Resource Refs:
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         account
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         account-console
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         admin-cli
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         argocd
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         broker
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         crossplane
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         developers-realm-realm
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         master-realm
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         oauth2proxy
    API Version:
    Kind:         Client
    Name:         security-admin-console
  URL:            http://keycloak.platform:80
  Username:       ds
    Last Transition Time:  2024-04-21T10:11:24Z
    Reason:                ReconcileSuccess
    Status:                True
    Type:                  Synced
    Last Transition Time:  2024-04-21T10:11:24Z
    Message:               Unready resources: master-account, master-account-console, master-admin-cli, and 7 more
    Reason:                Creating
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Ready
  Type    Reason             Age                    From                                                             Message
  ----    ------             ----                   ----                                                             -------
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-master-realm" is not yet ready
  Normal  SelectComposition  5m30s                  defined/  Successfully selected composition: keycloak-builtin-clients
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s                  defined/  Composed resource "master-argocd" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-account-console" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-security-admin-console" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-admin-cli" is not yet ready
  Normal  SelectComposition  5m30s                  defined/  Selected composition revision: keycloak-builtin-clients-08d0f48
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-oauth2proxy" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-developers-realm-realm" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-crossplane" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Composed resource "master-broker" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m30s (x6 over 5m30s)  defined/  (combined from similar events): Composed resource "master-account-console" is not yet ready
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m29s (x5 over 5m30s)  defined/  (combined from similar events): Successfully composed resources
  Normal  ComposeResources   5m29s (x2 over 5m30s)  defined/  Successfully composed resources


Breee commented 2 months ago

@Breee Not sure how to interpret the docs in the poc on gitlab but my guess is this is what I should run to be able to give it a try? crossplane xpkg install function

Or should I just deploy 1-4 in the examples and swap out the credentials? What would we then do to make this work with the crossplane keycloak provider so that we don't have to supply credentials at all?

You just apply examples 1-4 in that order. It's really just a PoC. Nothing we should use for a prod environment. But as I said, if something like that Works for you I can Provide something more mature that is based on the crossplane Ecosystem using functions

Just as a reminder, all of this can be also just automated with a really simple Script, e.g. In python.

QuadmanSWE commented 2 months ago

So far it just creates the clients, but we would also need to get the client roles so that they can be assigned to users which this doesn't appear to do.

The way to use it though is exactly what I had in mind at least, not sure about you @daniel-palmer-gu ?

But of course instead of using username and password and url we would use an existing providerconfig.

I'd be happy to help develop / test / document this stuff into a prod ready feature of this provider.

Breee commented 2 months ago

Sure - this was just a poc as I said - if this is useable for you guys we should raise a new feature request issue and define what builtin stuff we want to be able to import using the methodology i used. You can formulate that if you want - else I will do that later today

QuadmanSWE commented 2 months ago

As someone operating a keycloak instance, I want to be able to import the default client roles which are created as part of the realm creation into crossplane, so that I can assign "realm-admin" to a user I create with composite resource defintion.

Let me know if you want a mock up of a claim of such an XRD.

daniel-palmer-gu commented 2 months ago

For selfish reasons, I would prefer a fix within the provider. However, a way to accomplish this is better than none, so I would accept a function to meet the need.

Breee commented 2 months ago
Breee commented 4 weeks ago
QuadmanSWE commented 4 weeks ago

Having issue with tls_insecure_skip_verify not being respected in my keycloak credentials. works well for creating realms but not for the built in objects function. I am running on a dev cluster where the istio ingress gateway run with a self signed cert for *.platform.local and I changed the dns in kubernetes so that kc.platform.local points to it directly without going out and back in because the dns name is not on my network just in my hosts file.

Should I set up keycloak some other way to not run into this problem with ssl from the function?

kind: XBuiltinObjects
  annotations: |
  creationTimestamp: "2024-06-09T11:55:10Z"
  generation: 3
  labels: keycloak-builtin-objects-master
  name: keycloak-builtin-objects-master
  resourceVersion: "13686"
  uid: e6e666d7-233d-4447-81ce-930b9d6b3d39
  - account
  - account-console
  - admin-cli
  - broker
  - master-realm
  - security-admin-console
  - offline_access
  - uma_authorization
  - admin
  - create-realm
    name: keycloak-builtin-objects
    name: keycloak-builtin-objects-c000411
  compositionUpdatePolicy: Automatic
  providerConfigName: keycloak-provider-config
  providerSecretName: keycloak-credentials
  realm: master
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-06-09T11:56:35Z"
    message: 'cannot compose resources: cannot run Composition pipeline step "keycloak-builtin-objects":
      cannot run Function "function-keycloak-builtin-objects": rpc error: code = Unknown
      desc = Unexpected <class ''keycloak.exceptions.KeycloakConnectionError''>: Can''t
      connect to server (HTTPSConnectionPool(host=''kc.platform.local'', port=443):
      Max retries exceeded with url: /realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token
      (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, ''[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]
      certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:992)''))))'
    reason: ReconcileError
    status: "False"
    type: Synced


Breee commented 4 weeks ago

That's definitely my fault and I probably don't even handle that yet, i'll look into it asap. I got some time right now

On Sun, Jun 9, 2024, 14:19 David Söderlund @.***> wrote:

Having issue with tls_insecure_skip_verify not being respected in my keycloak credentials. works well for creating realms but not for the built in objects function. I am running on a dev cluster where the istio ingress gateway run with a self signed cert for *.platform.local and I changed the dns in kubernetes so that kc.platform.local points to it directly without going out and back in because the dns name is not on my network just in my hosts file.

Should I set up keycloak some other way to not run into this problem with ssl from the function?

apiVersion: kind: XBuiltinObjects metadata: annotations: | {"apiVersion":"","kind":"XBuiltinObjects","metadata":{"annotations":{"":""},"name":"keycloak-builtin-objects-master"},"spec":{"builtinClients":["account","account-console","admin-cli","broker","master-realm","security-admin-console"],"builtinRealmRoles":["offline_access","uma_authorization","admin","create-realm"],"providerConfigName":"keycloak-provider-config","providerSecretName":"keycloak-credentials","realm":"master"}} creationTimestamp: "2024-06-09T11:55:10Z" finalizers:

  • generation: 3 labels: keycloak-builtin-objects-master name: keycloak-builtin-objects-master resourceVersion: "13686" uid: e6e666d7-233d-4447-81ce-930b9d6b3d39 spec: builtinClients:
  • account
  • account-console
  • admin-cli
  • broker
  • master-realm
  • security-admin-console builtinRealmRoles:
  • offline_access
  • uma_authorization
  • admin
  • create-realm compositionRef: name: keycloak-builtin-objects compositionRevisionRef: name: keycloak-builtin-objects-c000411 compositionUpdatePolicy: Automatic providerConfigName: keycloak-provider-config providerSecretName: keycloak-credentials realm: master status: conditions:
  • lastTransitionTime: "2024-06-09T11:56:35Z" message: 'cannot compose resources: cannot run Composition pipeline step "keycloak-builtin-objects": cannot run Function "function-keycloak-builtin-objects": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Unexpected <class ''keycloak.exceptions.KeycloakConnectionError''>: Can''t connect to server (HTTPSConnectionPool(host=''kc.platform.local'', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, ''[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:992)''))))' reason: ReconcileError status: "False" type: Synced

image.png (view on web)

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QuadmanSWE commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks, looking forward to it.

If I had a cloud cluster with a real domain I could try it out but for developers this would be required anyway so that they don't have to run a bunch of advanced PKI.

I will try and register a copy of the credentials that try to connect to keycloak on the internal svc name but if I recall correctly that needs some work inside keycloak as well to allow the connection on http and on a different url.

QuadmanSWE commented 4 weeks ago

No actually that did it. Finally. Thanks so much @Breee . Here is my example highlighting the commit that made it work:

Breee commented 4 weeks ago

No actually that did it. Finally. Thanks so much @Breee . Here is my example highlighting the commit that made it work: QuadmanSWE/ds-ref-platform@0525b79

It should not, as i just commited a fix and started building v0.8.0. Releasing right now with this pipeline.

In your commit you use http not https. Anyway - good that you solved the issue

QuadmanSWE commented 4 weeks ago

No actually that did it. Finally. Thanks so much @Breee . Here is my example highlighting the commit that made it work: QuadmanSWE/ds-ref-platform@0525b79

It should not, as i just commited a fix and started building v0.8.0. Releasing right now with this pipeline.

In your commit you use http not https. Anyway - good that you solved the issue

Changing it from https to http and going on the internal url from the function worked, I now have two sets of credential secrets. one that uses https and the external istio gateway name and one that uses http and the internal keycloak service name.

Works like a charm, but I will try it out with just one set of credentials / urls / protocols just to make sure.

This brings me tremendous joy (role naming scheme will take some time getting used to though 😄 ) : image

Breee commented 20 hours ago

should be fixed with #83