To provision Databricks workspaces, it is a good idea for security reasons to disable public access to a workspace's storage account and use an access connector id. However, there is no argument in the Azure Databricks Workspace API to configure this.
What could help solve your problem?
Add a configuration argument in the Azure Databricks Workspace API to disable public access to the storage account equivalent to what exists in terraform default_storage_firewall_enabled and access_connector_id
What problem are you facing?
To provision Databricks workspaces, it is a good idea for security reasons to disable public access to a workspace's storage account and use an access connector id. However, there is no argument in the Azure Databricks Workspace API to configure this.
What could help solve your problem?
Add a configuration argument in the Azure Databricks Workspace API to disable public access to the storage account equivalent to what exists in terraform default_storage_firewall_enabled and access_connector_id